Thevesh / traffic-monitor

Python code to monitor a route at your desired frequency, using the Google Directions API
MIT License
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[suggestion] waze backend #1

Open hewliyang opened 3 months ago

hewliyang commented 3 months ago

Waze provides (?) a public facing API that you can POST to for free. The returned data is richer including


Thevesh commented 3 months ago

Absolutely insane - I wonder if this is intentional on their part.

Regardless, some impressive reverse engineering there!

Have you checked the output against Distance Matrix / Directions, out of curiosity?

hewliyang commented 3 months ago

Absolutely insane - I wonder if this is intentional on their part.

Slow 3G & Network tab did the job since the request was made on the client. I found other similar repositories here on GitHub afterwards and it seems like the interface has remained the same for at least 2 years now, so I guess they don't really care too much.

Have you checked the output against Distance Matrix / Directions, out of curiosity?

It matches up to what I've experienced personally (when driving). Waze is always more optimistic than GMaps. As a sanity check you can query both via the API & in-app simultaneously and theoretically it should match up.