Thevesh / traffic-monitor

Python code to monitor a route at your desired frequency, using the Google Directions API
MIT License
14 stars 3 forks source link

This code should help you quickly deploy your own version of a traffic monitor, with output as shown here.

Setup requirements:

1) Rename constants.example to, which has been added to the gitignore to prevent accidental leakage of secrets (best practice is to use an environment variable, but this will do).

2) python3 -m venv .venv and then pip3 install -r requirements.txt

3) Do the following to complete

4) Change the chains and locations in dep/stops.csv to monitor your own routes.


Not going to be too prescriptive, as most will have their own preference, but the live use case was deployed from a small VM running Ubuntu 22.04 LTS, using crontab. Nothing fancy.

This was the .sh script in ~/crons/ (don't forget to chmod + x ~/crons/

# activate Python venv and run daily script
source ~/YOUR_GIT_FOLDER_PATH/.venv/bin/activate

And this was the crontab file (amend as desired to reduce/increase frequency, which will correlate to costs):

0-59/20 * * * * ~/crons/