ThisIsLorenzo / PFAS_Systematic_Evidence_Map

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A research synthesis of humans, animals, and environmental compartments exposed to PFAS: A systematic evidence map and bibliometric analysis


This repository contains bibliographic files, data and analysis code for this Systematic Evidence Map. The different folders and their content are described below. Please feel free to contact Lorenzo Ricolfi ( if you need assistance navigating these documents.


This folder contains the extracted data from the included studies (except for /pfas_info.csv, which contains fixed data). Data are organised in different .csv files.


In this folder, we stored files providing deduplication code, analysis code, and Shiny app developmental code (URL to access our Shiny app:



Folder holding all figures generated by the analysis code (please see PFAS_Systematic_Evidence_Map/R/analysis_code.RMD).


Folder holding all supplementary figures generated by the analysis code (please see PFAS_Systematic_Evidence_Map/R/analysis_code.RMD).


All the bibliographic files generated during literature searches and subsequently utilized for eligibility assessment are included in this folder. Files are organised in two folders: 'databases' and 'deduplication_process'.


In this folder, you will find bibliographic records generated through database searches. Please be aware that records obtained from Scopus or Web of Science had to be divided into multiple files due to the importing limitations imposed by the databases. Other databases are divided into multiple files (e.g., Prospero in update_search) because they represent outputs of different search strings. Bibliographic records are organised in a different folder for each search (i.e., main, update, and supplementary searches).



Contained within this folder are all bibliographic records both before and following the process of deduplication.
