Thlb / MMM-temp-ds18b20

Display DS18B20 sensor's temperature on your MagicMirror
MIT License
18 stars 4 forks source link

Undefined instead of actual temperature #1

Open tarifari opened 7 years ago

tarifari commented 7 years ago

Hello, im getting an error i cant fix.

everything is working.

If it type

find /sys/bus/w1/devices/ -name "28-*" and

find /sys/bus/w1/devices/ -name "28-*" -exec cat {}/w1_slave \; | grep "t=" | awk -F "t=" '{print $2/1000}'

im getting the right module and temperature. But if i refresh the mirror there is only "undefined" instead of the temperature. Tried with different options but it displays always the same

codejoy commented 4 years ago

So sad no one responded and this is almost 2 years old. I just set this up on my latest version of raspberry pi 3+ and magicmirror. I know the sensor is working, the command line find exec works fine. The magicmirror though just hags with "Temperature Sensors and a "Loading ..." no other errors that I can see.

stampeder commented 4 years ago

I'm about to try this. I do have a little experience with the DS18B20s. Have had them running for several years. Did you get your running codejoy? I'm still new to MagicMirror, so any advice? Thanks.

stampeder commented 4 years ago

One more thing. The 4.7K resistor is REALLY important. Make sure you have it close to your raspberry pi.

stampeder commented 4 years ago

I have found an error in this code that I think is causing some issues for people. NOTE the following: 'modprobe w1_gpio' 'modprobe w1_therm' is what needs to be used NOT: 'modprobe w1-gpio' 'modprobe w1-therm' So everything you need w1_gpio the underscore not dash needs to be used. I believe there are two places in the code that this occurs. Other than that this code works perfectly and configs really nicely. One final caution: my DS18B20s start out 28-000005xxxxxx. Be really careful to get the number of zeros correct. This can be the problem with it just coming up as N/A. Here is my working config: { module: 'MMM-temp-ds18b20', position: 'bottom_left', header: 'Temperature sensors', config: { refreshInterval: 10, // in seconds displayMode: 'y-stack', labelSize: "small", tempSize: "large", units: "imperial", sensors:[ { id: "28-0000054e6541", label: "Outside" } ] } }, Good luck with it.