ThomDietrich / multiUAV-simulation

Discrete event simulation framework aimed at UAV movement, energy management, and signal propagation
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multiUAV Simulation in OMNeT++

simulation example


Boost is needed by this program. Please download here: Copy the folder boost into the subdirectory include-boost of the OMNeT++ base directory.

Example Result: C:\omnetpp-5.4\include-boost\boost\version.hpp

Running the simulation

scenario example

Running in OMNeT++ IDE

In subdirectory ./run_config you can find predefined run and debug configuration ready to go with OMNeT++ IDE.

All launches are preconfigured to run the Gabelbach scenario.


Results for Gabelbach scenario will be placed in subdirectory ./results. Depending on your launch configuration, you will find a different amount of output files. However, for each successfully finished simulation run, there should be following files: