Thomas-Fernandes / GTFR-CG

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:scroll: Genius traductions françaises Content Generator :film_strip:

Description   |   Requirements   |   Usage   |   Changelog


The technical stack at play: Python Flask React Vite TScript  | formerly:  GIMP Premiere


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:memo: Description

GTFR-CG is a React-Python web application that generates content serving the creation of Genius traductions françaises YouTube videos.
Generate artwork and lyrics cards that can then be edited into translation videos.
Save time by interacting with the APIs of iTunes and Genius to automate parts of the edition process!
One day, maybe one day, this application maybe even be able to generate whole videos by itself...

Disclaimer: the creators of this application do not claim any rights on the Genius, iTunes or YouTube brand. All rights belong to their respective owners.


:gear: Requirements

This application was tested on, and designed for Windows 11 and Ubuntu 22.04.
All the required back end modules are listed in the requirements file. They will be installed upon launch of the back end.
All the required front end software and modules can be installed by running the installer file with Python.

[!CAUTION] GTFR-CG's back end is written in Python 3.11. It is compatible with later versions, but not with anterior versions.
You can check your Python version by running python --version in your terminal.

[!IMPORTANT] In order for GTFR-CG's lyrics fetch feature to work, you need to declare a GENIUS_API_TOKEN variable in the .env file at the root of the repository.
Find more information about it by reading through the tutorial .env file.
Without this token, the GTFR-CG application will still run, but the lyrics fetch feature will be disabled.


:movie_camera: Usage

   :clamp:  Build

python # will install back end modules, front end software & modules


   :rocket:  Launch

Back end:

python # will check needed modules and install, then launch the application

Front end:

cd front-end/ && npm run dev # will launch the front end of the application


   :bookmark_tabs:  General Information

[!NOTE] Report any kind of malfunction or request a feature by opening an issue!


:card_file_box: Changelog

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