ThomasBarth / ESP32-CAN-Driver

CAN driver project for the Espressif ESP32
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Maybe it does not work #4

Closed wangsuyu closed 7 years ago

wangsuyu commented 7 years ago

Hi,ThomasBarth. Now I am workingt on ESP32-IDF,and I want to make can works.Thanks for espressif engineers recommand you to me.But it does not work when I make a test on your code.So,I want to make sure that have you ever test?If works,can you commit an example for me?Thank you very much. Best Regards Suyu Wang

santanapablo1975 commented 7 years ago


For a example take a look here

I made the test and it works very good!!!

Thanks Thomas! and Rudi!



wangsuyu commented 7 years ago

Hi,Juan Thanks for your response.Due to weekday,I do not have an esp32 to vertify.So,I spent several hours to read you code and leart a lot from yours.Thank you very much! Thanks Thomas! ,Rudi! and @santanapablo1975 Best Regards Suyu Wang

wangsuyu commented 7 years ago

Hi,juan Sorry for a late update,I made some mistakes,so I just work your example well. Thanks everyone! Best Regards Suyu Wang