An IRC bot
This project relies on the pircbot IRC library. It implements a bot with features such as
Commands typically start with + (e.g. +memo). This bot is first and foremost developed for personal usage on some channels I frequent, which explains some of the most idiosyncratic things about it. Pull requests may be accepted if they don't conflict with my personal usage.
The project should import just fine in any IDE that can import the Maven pom.xml.
Build the jar file by running mvn clean compile assembly:single
Requires Java 8+.
Make a copy of the to data/
Set the settings to values relevant to you.
Run java -jar yourjar.jar.
New commands and features can be added by implementing the CommandHandler interface. Implementations need to be instantiated in the BotLogic class. Except for UserDb in some cases, implementors only need to access the BotContext to handle and reply to commands.
CommandMatcher helps in reading commands with multiple arguments.
The Bot provides a mechanism to store and retrieve user settings (UserDb). The settings are persisted to disk. Const is used to read settings from the config file. While I do not respect this convention myself, it's best to name your settings based on the fully qualified class name or package name of the handler that will use it to avoid conflicts.
The CachedResource class can be used for easily accessing resources and caching them.