ThomasHeb / 2AxisLaserCutter

Arduino based CNC laser cutter with display and SD-Card
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XPS with laser? #2

Closed neo2001cro closed 1 year ago

neo2001cro commented 3 years ago

ThomasHeb Hi A see that you have dialed in your 2AxisLaserCutter to cut wood (balsa?) super, you 'cut' in one go the table to ;) Have you maybe try to cut 3-5mm XPS, Foam with laser?

ThomasHeb commented 3 years ago

Hello Neo,

I used to cut balsa with medium power: 3mm balsa with 40% power and 500mm/min (S40F500) and 5 repeats to cut through. For Foam (XPS) I go with 10% power and 750mm/min (S10F750) and 5 repeats for 5mm

Regards Thomas

neo2001cro commented 3 years ago

Hi ThomasHeb

1x optional red and black connector on the billing list is 'dead'.?

And if my 'math' is corect, today on 6.8.2021 your LaserCutter cost about ~315 €

Biling list Aliexpress 208€ Biling list Banggood 107€

ThomasHeb commented 3 years ago

The connectors are just for the input voltage.... search for something like this (google: connector 4mm lab) Bildschirmfoto 2021-08-06 um 18 16 43

Price looks good! But be aware, that the laser cutter was a project for me (firmware, SketchUp, ...). You can buy a ready to run version for less than 300 EUR

neo2001cro commented 3 years ago

Hi, ThomasHeb

Thank you for clearing 'missing' parts

:) i know that to (that there is 'redy to run' solutions), and my question is, is your Laser Cutter better then 'ready to run'?

I see that you are very smart man, so, there must be 'reason' that you have go on that 'project'. If i may ask, why ;) ? I will try to guess, you just wanna to 'refresh' your knowledge ;) :P

ThomasHeb commented 3 years ago

I had three reasons to go for an own build:

My solution is optimized for cutting only (firmware in Arduino). If you want do do engraving, especially with different shading, I would recommend to go for a ‚ready to run‘. In addition the size of the gcode will get very big for engraving (dot by dot) and therefor a PC is needed to send the gcode.

neo2001cro commented 3 years ago

ThomasHeb Hi

i have alredy ask so many stupid ;) questions, so here goes two more ;) Have you look on 'ready to run' solutions, do you have yours 'favorite'? And, yours solution of working with, and from Sketchup is 'feature' that i like a lot! Respect. So, can i use your software solution on 'ready to run'?

ThomasHeb commented 3 years ago

Hi Neo,

I didn‘t look for ready to run solutions.

SketchUp Plugin is generating gcode, including power settings and travel speed, it is a simple text file. you can send this file via usb to any laser engraver with a universal gcode sender.

ThomasHeb commented 1 year ago

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