ThomasHeb / 2AxisLaserCutter

Arduino based CNC laser cutter with display and SD-Card
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arduino laser-cutter ramps sketchup stepper

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My goal was to build semi scale balsa glider based on old fmt plans. It is a lot of effort to copy the plans on the balsa, cut it, and sand it. Especially for small models, very accurate working is necessary. This brought my to the idea to build a laser cutter and do the glider design in SketchUp.

The base idea ist very simple. Two independent linear axis with NEMA 17 stepper and belts on 2020/2040 v-slot rails and Arduino Mega / Ramps, based on a modified grbl 8c2, which I am using in my FoamCutter, too. There are some special requests for the grbl, when working with a laser, especially when using as an engraver. The firmware modifications will be mentioned in the „Firmware“ section below.

I have a lot old paper plans for gliders. So I take some photos of the plans, imports these to SketchUp Make 2017, redraw and scale the plan. For generating the gcode, I wrote a small script. Description is below in section „Working with SketchUp“.


Due to the specific characteristics of laser radiation and the biological and physical effects this has, special protection and cautionary measures are required in the use of lasers.



A bill of material (including hardware and electronics) and detailed photos are in the folder 01_Mechanics


A block diagramm is provided in the folder 02_Hardware


More Details here: 03_Firmware

First operation / setup

In this chapter you find some recommendations how to get started and how to setup the laser cutter.

First test of Arduino.

The Arduino and the Ramps board are working without the stepper driver or motors.

Adjusting and first operation of stepper

Operation of limit switches and e-stopp

Mechanic meets hardware

First operation of the laser

Find best settings for the laser

SketchUp Script

I use SketchUp for generating the stl-files for my 3D printed parts. I decided to write a small script which allows me to generate gcode for laser cutting. Currently I use only linear extrapolation in combination. The results are good.

What you need

Functionality and usage of laser.rb

Check out the tutorial video