Automatic Microsoft 365 Documentation to simplify the life of admins and consultants. You can automatically document systems like:
This list will expand in the near future.
This is the successor to the IntuneDocumentation module and has much more options like:
Through the new architecture much other features will follow in the near future.
The required modules are fully available in the PowerShell Gallery and therefore simple to install.
Install-Module MSAL.PS
Install-Module PSWriteOffice
Install-Module M365Documentation
This section covers basic functionality for interactive usage. Advanced use cases like creating your own app registration is covered in the advanced usage section.
# Connect to your tenant
# Collect information for component Intune as an example
$doc = Get-M365Doc -Components Intune -ExcludeSections "MobileAppDetailed"
# Output the documentation to a Word file
$doc | Write-M365DocWord -FullDocumentationPath "c:\temp\$($doc.CreationDate.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmm"))-WPNinjas-Doc.docx"
Component: AzureAD AADAdministrativeUnit AADAuthMethod AADBranding AADConditionalAccess AADConditionalAccessSplit AADDirectoryRole AADDomain AADIdentityProvider AADOrganization AADPolicy AADSubscription
Component: CloudPrint CPConnector CPPrinter
InformationProtection MIPLabel
Intune MdmAdmxConfigurationProfile MdmAppleConfiguration MdmAutopilotProfile MdmCompliancePolicy MdmConfigurationPolicy MdmConfigurationProfile MdmDeviceCategory MdmEnrollmentConfiguration MdmExchangeConnector MdmPartner MdmPowerShellScript MdmSecurityBaseline MdmTermsAndCondition MdmWindowsUpdate MobileApp MobileAppConfiguration MobileAppDetailed MobileAppManagement
Windows365 W365Image W365OnPremConnection W365ProvisionProfile W365UserSetting
The following entities are documented:
The following entities are documented:
The following entities are documented:
The following entities are documented:
For any issues or feedback related to this module, please register for GitHub, and post your inquiry to this project's issue tracker.
@MEM_MVP for the continious feedback and 10000 translations!!!! Thank you!
@Microsoftgraph for the PowerShell Examples:
@PrzemyslawKlys for the PSWriteWord Module, which enables the creation of the Word file.
@MScholtes for the Transponse-Object example
@ylepine for the contribution to support Intune Settings catalog
@johofer contribution to remove base64 encoded images from the documentation.