ThomasTJdev / nimwc_plugins

Plugin repository for Nim Website Creator
MIT License
5 stars 0 forks source link

Plugins for Nim Website Creator (NimWC)

Plugin Store Screenshot

Plugin Store Screenshot


Plugin repo

To update the available plugins go to <webpage>/plugins/repo. NimWC will clone this repo to ensure, that the latest available plugins are shown.

Enable/disable a plugin

To enable or disable a plugin go to <webpage>/plugins. Only plugins installed at <webpage>/plugins/repo will be available.

Plugins are loaded at compile time with macros, therefore it can take up to ~60 seconds to enable or disable a plugin. The interface will notify you, when the plugin is installed.


To make a plugin public accessible, you need to add it to the plugins.json in this plugin repo.

Make a pull request where you have added your plugin data to the bottom of plugins.json.

When you release a new version of your plugin, you need to increase the version in your own plugin repo file plugin.json and in this repos file plugins.json. Otherwise the users will not notice, that your have released a new version.

Available plugins

Plugin: Backup

Create an instant backup file. Schedule continuously backups. Download backups.

You can access the plugin at /backup.

Plugin: Contact

A simple contact form for non-logged in users. The email will be sent to the info address specified in the config.cfg file.

You can access the plugin at /contact. This link can be added to the navbar manually.

Plugin: Mailer

Add mail elements containing subject, description and a date for sending the mail. Every 12th hour a cronjob will run to check, if it is time to send the mail.

All registered users will receive the email.

You can access the plugin at /mailer. This link can be added to the navbar manually.

Plugin: Open registration

Anyone can register an account and get a user with user role "User". You can access the plugin at /register. An email with an activation link will be sent to users.

Plugin: Templates

Load predefined templates (database data, css, js and images) or save your current design to a template, which you can share.

You can access the plugin at /templates/settings.

Plugin: Themes

Switch between themes. Save custom themes from the browser.

You can access the plugin at /themes/settings.

Plugin structure

A plugin needs the following structure:

  - html.tmpl   (optional)
  - templates.nim  (required)
  - routes.nim  (required)
  - plugin.json (required)
  - public/
    - js.js             (required) <- Will be appended to all pages
    - style.css         (required) <- Will be appended to all pages
    - js_private.js     (required) <- Needs to be imported manually
    - style_private.css (required) <- Needs to be imported manually


This file contains information about the plugin.

The file needs this formatting:

    "name": "Templates",
    "foldername": "templates",
    "version": "0.1",
    "requires": "5.0",
    "url": "",
    "method": "git",
    "tags": [
    "description": "Full templates. Includes database, css, js and other public files.",
    "license": "MIT",
    "web": "",
    "sustainability": "",
    "email": ""

JSON Fields Description


Includes the plugins proc()'s etc.

It is required to include a proc named proc <pluginname>Start*(db: DbConn) =

For the templates plugin this would be: proc templatesStart*(db: DbConn) = . If this proc is not needed, just discard the content.


Includes the URL routes.

It is required to include a route with /<pluginname>/settings. This page should show information about the plugin and any options which can be changed.

.js and .css

At compile time js.js, js_private.js, style.css and style_private.css are copied from the plugins public folder to the official public folder, if the files contains text.

JS files

The files will be renamed to templates.js and templates_private.js

CSS files

The files will be renamed to templates.css and templates_private.css.


A <link> and/or a <script> tag to templates.css/templates.js will be appended to the all pages, if js.js or style.css contains text.

The *_private files needs to be included manually.

JSON Checker

$ nim c -r -d:ssl check_json.nim

[Suite] Packages consistency testing
  [OK] Check Basic Structure
  [OK] Check Tags
  [OK] Check Methods
  [OK] Check Licenses
  [OK] Check Names
  [OK] Check Versions
  [OK] Check Requires
  [OK] Check Foldernames
  [OK] Check Webs Off-Line
D, [2019-03-06T16:12:32] -- check_json:
D, [2019-03-06T16:12:33] -- check_json:
D, [2019-03-06T16:12:34] -- check_json:
D, [2019-03-06T16:12:35] -- check_json:
D, [2019-03-06T16:12:35] -- check_json:
D, [2019-03-06T16:12:36] -- check_json:
  [OK] Check Webs On-Line
  [OK] Check Sustainability On-Line
  [OK] Check URLs Off-Line
D, [2019-03-06T16:12:36] -- check_json:
D, [2019-03-06T16:12:37] -- check_json:
D, [2019-03-06T16:12:38] -- check_json:
D, [2019-03-06T16:12:38] -- check_json:
D, [2019-03-06T16:12:39] -- check_json:
D, [2019-03-06T16:12:40] -- check_json:
D, [2019-03-06T16:12:40] -- check_json:
D, [2019-03-06T16:12:41] -- check_json:
D, [2019-03-06T16:12:42] -- check_json:
D, [2019-03-06T16:12:43] -- check_json:
D, [2019-03-06T16:12:44] -- check_json:
D, [2019-03-06T16:12:44] -- check_json:
  [OK] Check URLs On-Line
