"Option Pricing" project as part of the "Simulation and Monte Carlo methods" course
ENSAE 2022/2023
The aim of this project is to calculate the price of an Asian option between t=0 and t=1. To do this, we will use three methods: standard Monte Carlo, Quasi Monte Carlo and Multi-Level Monte Carlo.
Implementation of the research article (https://artowen.su.domains/courses/362/readings/GilesMultilevel.pdf) for the Multi-LevelMonte Carlo method.
We will then evaluate which method is the best by calculating MSEs and CPU times.
We were awarded 16.5/20 for this project.
The code can simply be run on Google Colab.
Fichier data_preparation.R :
- transform_csv : fonction pour transformer le csv de Yahoo finance en dataframe avec les rendements et sans les variables qui ne nous intéresse pas
- plot_series_temp : réalise les graphiques des prix, rendements et rendements au carré en fonction du temps
- autocorrelations : graphiques autocorrélations des rendements et rendements au carré
- transform_csv_with_discount(data,r) : transform_csv mais qui discount les prix au taux quotidient r
Fichier white_noise_laws.R : On implémente des lois normalisées pour la loi des eta, pour qu'on puisse mettre autre chose que "rnorm(n)". Toutes les fonctions renvoient un vecteur de taille n.
- runif_normalisee(n) : loi uniforme normalisée
- rt_8_normalisee(n) : loi de Student à 8 degrés de liberté normalisée
- normalised_student(n) : loi de Student à 5 degrés de liberté normalisée (le degré ici a vocation à être modifiée si nécessaire)
Fichier condition_stationnarite.R :
- condition_stationnarite : à partir de la loi des etas (bruit blanc), renvoie un dataframe de couples (alpha,beta) qui indiquent la condition de stationnarité
- superposition_3graphiques_condi_statio : à partir de 3 dataframes (comme ceux de condition_stationnarite), renvoie le graphs des trois courbes de la condition de stationnarité
Main is the notebook summarising our work. It uses the following related Python files :
- For the standard Monte Carlo algorithm : ordinaryMC
- For the Quasi Monte Carlo algorithm : QMC
- For the Multi-Level Monte Carlo algorithm : MLMC
- For payoff calculations, present values : calcul
- To calculate the price for different simulations : calcul
- To compare the different methods : comparaison
- Testing the Van Der Corput method (in progress) : bonusVanDerCorput
ordinaryMC :
- CIR : Function simulating the standard CIR.
- multiCIR : Function that returns a CIR simulation table for all samples.
- ordinary_mc_sim : Monte Carlo simulation to calculate option pricing.
- sobol_generator : Generates m samples (each for one path) each having n numbers in Sobol sequence.
- sobol_generator_random : Generates m samples (each for one path) each having n numbers in Sobol sequence.
- multiCIR_QMC : Function that returns a QMC CIR simulation table for all samples.
- multiCIR_QMC_random : Function that returns a random QMC CIR simulation table for all samples.
- QMC_mc_sim : Conducts MC simulation.
- QMC_mc_sim_random : Conducts random MC simulation.
- CIR_ML : Creation of the multi-level CIR.
- ML_principle : This function takes only one point out of two between level l-1 and level L.
- multiCIR_ML : Construction of the CIR for all samples for a fixed level.
- h_l : Calculating h_l.
- N_l : Calculation of N_l.
- level_mc_sim : Simulation du multi level Monte Carlo pour calculer l'option pricing.
- ML_mc_sim : Creation of the algorithm inspired by the Giles paper to return the N_l and the optimal L.
- sim_MLMC_Lfixe : Multi-level Monte Carlo simulation for a fixed level.
Calcul :
- payoff_calc : This function calculates future payoff of the asian option based on arithmetic average of the price path.
- pv_calc : Calculates present value of an amount of money in future.
- sim_iterator : Iterates simulation with different sample sizes (form 10 to a maximum size with steps of 10).
comparaison :
- CI_calc : Calculates 95% confidence interval for the estimation of expected value of a random variable, given a sample.
- CI_length_calc : Calculates length of a confidence interval.
- threshold_finder : In an array of confidence intervals in the order of descending lengths, returns the index of fist interval shorter than a threshold.
- CI_length_calc : Calculates length of a confidence interval.
- CPU : Calculate CPU Times
- mse_time : Calculate MSE Times
- mse_comparaison : Compare different MSE
bonusVanDerCorput :
- van_der_corput_base_2 : This function generates a van der Corput sequence of length n with the given base.