ThoughtWorksInc / lein-s3-static-deploy

Lein task to deploy static website to s3 bucket.
Eclipse Public License 1.0
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A Leiningen plugin to deploy a directory as a static website on s3.

Simply give it your AWS credentials, a bucket name and a directory to deploy and it will ensure the bucket exists with the correct permissions etc. It employs s3-sync to ensure that only changed files are uploaded.

This plugin was built to support the use case of creating a static Angular ClojureScript app.


To use lein-s3-static-deploy, you'll need to add a few additional values to your project.clj file.

First, add lein-s3-static-deploy as a plugin: Put [lein-s3-static-deploy "0.1.0"] into the :plugins vector.

Put [lein-s3-static-deploy "0.1.0"] into the :plugins vector of your project.clj.

You'll also need to give lein-s3-static-deploy a few instructions so it knows what to do.

lein-s3-static-deploy plays nice with other aws plugins such as lein-beanstalk and shares their configuration block so you don't have to repeat AWS credentials etc..

So inside your project.clj do:

:aws { :access-key ~(System/getenv "AWS_ACCESS_KEY") :secret-key ~(System/getenv "AWS_SECRET_KEY") :s3-static-deploy {:bucket "THE BUCKET YOU WANT TO DEPLOY TO" :local-root "LOCAL DIRECTORY YOU WANT TO DEPLOY FROM"}}


You should now be able to deploy your website to the AWS using the following command:

$ lein s3-static-deploy


Thanks to s3-sync for providing the functionality to efficiently sync contents to the s3 bucket and clj-aws-s3 for providing a nice S3 API.

Contributions welcome

This plugin is very simple and supports our narrow use case. We would welcome contributions so please fork away!


Copyright © 2014 Thoughtworks Inc

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.