Written in python by Thomas Gibson.
Table of contents |
1. Searching Algorithms |
2. Sorting Algorithms |
3. Adding a new Search Algorithm |
4. Adding a new Sorting Algorithm |
5. The Algorithm class |
6. The DataModel class |
A full list of implmeneted Searching algorithms can be found here
A full list of implmeneted Sorting algorithms can be found here
New search algorithms can be added if they meet these requirements:
Requirement: | Description: |
Location | New algorithm files must be found in the algorithms/searching directory |
File Name | New files must be named in the following format: algorithm_name_search.py. e.g. binary_search.py, linear_search.py |
Class Implementation | The algorithm must be implemented as a class. |
Class Name | An algorithm class must be named in the following format: AlgorithmNameSearch. e.g BinarySearch, LinearSearch |
Inheritance | Each algorithm class must be a child of the Algorithm class. The Algorithm class must be imported (See imports.) |
Constructor | Each new class must implement a constructor. (See Constructor) |
DataModel helper functions | The DataModel class contains useful functions that will be needed (See DataModel) |
Function Naming | The function which implements the algorithm must be named in the following format: algorithmNameSearch e.g. binarySearch and linearSearch |
Function Implementation | Each new algorithm class must provide an implementation for the getName() method. (See Algorithm class) |
Return value/s | Each algorithm doesn't strictly need to return anything. As a convention, 1 for success or -1 for failure should be returned |
New sorting algorithms can be added if they meet these requirements:
Requirement: | Description: |
Location | New algorithm files must be found in the algorithms/sorting directory |
File Name | New files must be named in the following format: algorithm_name_sort.py. e.g. bubble_sort.py, merge_sort.py |
Class Implementation | The algorithm must be implemented as a class. |
Class Name | An algorithm class must be named in the following format: AlgorithmNameSort. e.g BubbleSort, MergeSort |
Inheritance | Each algorithm class must be a child of the Algorithm class. The Algorithm class must be imported (See imports.) |
Constructor | Each new class must implement a constructor. (See Constructor) |
DataModel helper functions | The DataModel class contains useful functions that will be needed (See DataModel) |
Function Naming | The function which implements the algorithm must be named in the following format: algorithmNameSort e.g. bubbleSort and mergeSort |
Function Implementation | Each new algorithm class must provide an implementation for the getName() method. (See Algorithm class) |
Return value/s | Each algorithm doesn't strictly need to return anything. As a convention, 1 for success or -1 for failure should be returned |
Sorting in Ascending and Descending order | Code does not need to be written in an algorithms implementation to sort in ascending and descending order. A helper function in the Algorithm class returns True or False if two elements need to be swapped, another helper function can then be called to make this swap. |
from ..algorithm import Algorithm
Import statement needed to import Algorithm parent class
def __init__(self, dataModel):
Constructor required (See DataModel)
The algorithm class is a wrapper for some of the DataModel class functions.
These functions are needed to interact with the visualizer properly.
The methods in DataModel can still be called directly (not recommended).
Function | Parameters | Returns | Description: |
getName() | None | A String, contains the name of the algorithm being implemented | An abstract method. Every subclass must provide an implementation. |
getArray() | None | The array to be processed | Returns the array to be iterated over. (See DataModel). |
getElement() | index (int) : index of the element to be retieved | The value at the specified index, or -1 if the index is out of bounds | Gets the value of the element at the specified index (See DataModel) |
changeElement() | index (int) : index of the element to be changed value (int): The new value that the element is being replaced with |
None | Changes the value at the specified index to the value passed (See DataModel) |
swapElements() | sourceIdx (int) : index of an element to be swapped destIdx (int): index of an element to be swapped | none | Swaps the elements at the specified indexes. (See DataModel) |
sortArray() | None | delay (bool): By default there is a small delay when the array is sorted. Setting this parameter to False removed this delay | Sorts the array and refreshes the screen to display it. (See DataModel). |
shuffleArray() | None | delay (bool): By default there is a small delay when the array is shuffled. Setting this parameter to False removed this delay | Randomly shuffles the array and refreshes the screen to display it. (See DataModel). |
changeBarColour() | index (int) : Position to have the colour changed. colour (str) : The new colour |
None | Changes the colour of the bar at the specified index. (See DataModel). |
swapbarColours() | sourceIdx (int) : index of a bar colour to be swapped destIdx (int): index of a bar colour to be swapped | none | Swaps the bar colours at the specified indexes. (See DataModel) |
isSwapNeeded() | sourceIdx (int) : index of an element to be checked. destIdx (int): index of an element to be checked | A boolean value, True if the elements need to be swapped otherwise False is returned | Checks if the elements at the passed indexes need to be swapped. (Works for both sorting in descending and ascending order) |
areElementsEqual() | sourceIdx (int) : index of an element to be checked. destIdx (int): index of an element to be checked | A boolean value, True if the elements at the specified index are true, else false | Compared the elements at the specified indexes and returns True if they are equal |
getTarget() | None | The target to be searched for | Returns the target to be searched for. (See DataModel). |
updateArrayOnScreen() | None | None | Refreshes the screen to display any changes to the array. (See DataModel). |
delay() | None | None | Pauses the execution of the program using time.sleep(). |
Useful functions, most are wrapped by the Algorithm class.
The functions can still be called directly, if an attribute containing the DataModel class is created (not recommended).
Function | Parameters | Returns | Description: |
getArray() | None | The array to be processed | Returns the array to be iterated over |
getElementAtIndex() | index (int) : index of the element to be retieved | The value at the specified index, or -1 if the index is out of bounds | Gets the value of the element at the specified index |
changeElement() | index (int) : index of the element to be changed value (int): The new value that the element is being replaced with |
None | Changes the value at the specified index to the value passed |
swapElements() | sourceIndex (int) : index of an element to be swapped destinationIndex (int): index of an element to be swapped | none | Swaps the elements at the specified indexes. |
updateArrayOnScreen() | None | None | Redraws the array on screen |
sortArray() | None | None | Sorts the array and refreshes the screen to display it. |
shuffleArray() | None | None | Randomly shuffles the array and refreshes the screen to display it. |
setBarColour() | index (int) : Position to have the colour changed. colour (str) : The new colour |
None | Changes the colour of the bar at the specified index |
swapbarColours() | sourceIndex (int) : index of a bar colour to be swapped destinationIndex (int): index of a bar colour to be swapped | none | Swaps the bar colours at the specified indexes. |
isAscending() | None | Returns True if the sorting direction is in ascending order. Returns False if the sorting direction is in descending order |
Returns the boolean value corresponding to the direction of the sort |
getTarget() | None | The target to be searched for | Returns the target to be searched for |