TiHAN-Hyderabad / dronecamera-stream-detection

Detect objects using from drone camera streamed to kubernetes
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Drone Camera Stream Detection

Detect objects using drone camera or any UAV with raspi installed, by streaming its video output to TiE and visualise the detected objects in real time with bounding boxes, confidence in browser.

Video is streamed from Drone Camera

WhatsApp Image 2023-08-08 at 20 52 29

Real time Video in the browser

Steps of execution


Please check http://edge.tihan.iith.ac.in:30020/video_feed for the real time object detection stream with bounding boxes and confidence

Architecture diagram

Untitled Diagram


The main objective of the project is to create a system that enables live video streaming from a drone camera to a server for real-time object detection. The client code represents the drone camera module, which captures frames using the PiCamera. It continuously sends these frames to the server code.

The client code captures frames, resizes them, encodes them in JPEG format, and sends them to the server using HTTP POST requests. The server code receives the frames, decodes them, resizes them to a desired dimension, and performs object detection on the frames using the YOLO model. Detected objects are then annotated on the frames. The annotated frames are made available as a continuous video stream for viewing.

Raspberry pi configuration

How the entire code works?

(1) Start the Server:

Deploying pod in kubernetes dashboard:




I did testing using CPU only.


I did testing using GPU.

Test-1 :

Further changes to be done:


https://stackoverflow.com/questions/48611517/raspberry-pi-3-python-and-opencv-face-recognition-from-network-camera-stream https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sYGdge3T30o