TiManGames / AmnesiaTheDarkDescent

GNU General Public License v3.0
30 stars 8 forks source link

Amnesia: The Dark Descent (Community Editors Fork)

This is a fork of the Amnesia the Dark Descent repository from Frictional Games. Currently mainly working on improving the engine tools.

New editor features

Building (Linux)

  1. Ensure you have make and cmake installed
  2. Clone the project and enter the folder
  3. Run the script file at ./dependencies/precompiled/lib/linux/lib64/fix_symlinks.sh to fix broken symlinks from the .zip file
  4. Create a build folder and open a terminal in it
  5. Run cmake -S ../amnesia/src/ - this is called an out-of-source build, which basically means that CMake won't pollute the source code with its files. When there's an issue caused by CMake, you can empty this directory and rerun CMake.
  6. With a terminal still in ./build run make (or use make -jX to speed things up, where X is the number of jobs; e.g. make -j4).
  7. The build should compile and the resulting binaries will be found in ./output.

To run the compiled binary, copy it to your Amnesia installation folder. For example copy the Amnesia.bin.x86_64 to your game folder. A faster way to test stuff is to copy the game directory to ./output and run the binaries from there.

Other notes:

Crosscompiling for Windows

You will need to delete CMakeCache.txt (or all ./build contents) and add --toolchain XCompileToWindows.toolchain to the CMake command, e.g. cmake -S ../amnesia/src/ --toolchain XCompileToWindows.toolchain. Then use make as usual.

Building (Windows, Visual Studio)

Note: VS .sln files are not actively maintained, you should try compiling on Windows with CMake.

The game is built from two separate solutions: The engine solution named HPL2_2010 and the main game solution named Lux. The project also includes all the different editors and additional tools, such as the Level Editor and the Model Editor. In order to build the game, you will first need to compile and build the HPL2 Engine.


Building the Engine

  1. Clone the project
  2. Go to the HPL2/ folder and extract dependencies.zip.
  3. Open _HPL2_2010.sln with Visual Studio 2010.
  4. Set the build configuration from Debug to Release.
  5. Build -> Build _HPL2_2010. There won't be any errors, but some warning messages will appear.
  6. The build result will be created in HPL2/lib

Building the Game

  1. Go to amnesia/src/game and open Lux.sln.
  2. Click cancel on retag project message.
  3. Set the build configuration from Debug to Release.
  4. Build -> Build Lux. There won't be any errors, but some warning messages will appear.
  5. The game executable should be created in amnesia/redist.

Playing the Game

Copy Amnesia.exe into your Amnesia game folder and launch it. The main menu should appear normally with no errors.

Building the Editors

