TianLab-Bioinfo / AtacAnnoR

An accurate and robust cross-modality cell type annotation method for scATAC-seq data
MIT License
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AtacAnnoR: A Reference-Based Annotation Tool for Single Cell ATAC-seq Data


AtacAnnoR is a novel scATAC-seq cell type annotation method using scRNA-seq data as the reference.


if (!requireNamespace("devtools", quietly = T)) install.packages("devtools")
devtools::install_github("zdebruine/RcppML")        # v0.5.4 or higher
devtools::install_github("TianLab-Bioinfo/AtacAnnoR",force = T)


Run AtacAnnoR in a line with default parameters

pred <- RunAtacAnnoR(ref_mtx = SeuratObj_RNA[['RNA']]@counts, 
                     ref_celltype = SeuratObj_RNA$true, 
                     query_gene_activity = SeuratObj_ATAC[['ACTIVITY']]@counts, 
                     query_peak_counts = SeuratObj_ATAC[['ATAC']]@counts) 

Run AtacAnnoR step by step

AtacAnnoR “Combine and Discard” strategy

Beta function: AtacAnnoR label corrector

Run AtacAnnoR in other scATAC-seq analysis pipelines

SeuratObj_ATAC <- RunAtacAnnoR_Signac(query_SeuratObj = SeuratObj_ATAC,
                                      query_ga_assay = 'ACTIVITY',
                                      query_peak_assay = 'ATAC',
                                      ref_SeuratObj = SeuratObj_RNA,
                                      ref_assay = 'RNA',
                                      ref_ident = 'true')

The predicted labels can be accessed using SeuratObj_ATAC$final_pred.

query_ArchRproj <- RunAtacAnnoR_ArchR(query_ArchRproj = query_ArchRproj,
                                      ref_mtx = SeuratObj_RNA[['RNA']]@counts, 
                                      ref_celltype = SeuratObj_RNA$true)

The predicted labels can be accessed using query_ArchRproj$final_pred.

query_snapObj <- RunAtacAnnoR_SnapATAC(query_snapObj = query_snapObj,
                                       ref_mtx = SeuratObj_RNA[['RNA']]@counts, 
                                       ref_celltype = SeuratObj_RNA$true)

The predicted labels can be accessed using query_snapObj@metaData$final_pred.

query_cds <- RunAtacAnnoR_Cicero(query_cds = query_cds,
                                 query_gene_activity = query_gene_activity,
                                 ref_mtx = SeuratObj_RNA[['RNA']]@counts, 
                                 ref_celltype = SeuratObj_RNA$true)

The predicted labels can be accessed using query_cds@colData$final_pred.


Lejin Tian: ljtian20@fudan.edu.cn