TigerGraph-DevLabs / TigerGraph-CLI

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TigerGraph CLI consists of three major features:


Mac OS:

To install TigerGraph Cli on Mac OS

brew tap TigerGraph-DevLabs/tg
brew install tgcli


To install TigerGraph Cli on Linux

user@server $ wget https://tigertool.tigergraph.com/dl/linux/tgcli
user@server $ sudo mv tgcli /usr/bin/
user@server $ sudo chmod +x /usr/bin/tgcli



Command-line help text

Running tg <module> -h displays help text for a topic.

Example : tg cloud -h

In this case, we are getting Cloud Manager's command help.

usage: tg cloud [-h] {login,start,stop,terminate,archive,list,create} ...

positional arguments:
    login               Login to tgcloud.io
    start               Start a tgcloud instance
    stop                Stop a tgcloud instance
    terminate           Terminate a tgcloud instance
    archive             Archive a tgcloud instance
    list                List all tgcloud instance
    create              Create a tgcloud instance

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

Configuration Manager

Commands that start with tg conf manage the configurations used by tg-cli, which include the user's TigerGraph Cloud credentials and configurations for the user's TigerGraph servers.

usage: tg conf [-h] {tgcloud,add,delete,list} ...

positional arguments:
    tgcloud             TigerGraph Cloud user configuration
    add                 add configuration
    delete              delete configuration
    list                list configurations

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

Set up TigerGraph Cloud credentials

tg conf tgcloud -h manages the user's TigerGraph Cloud account credentials ( used by tg cloud login)

Argument Description Accepted values Default
-email The email address associated with your TigerGraph Cloud account String containing user email address ""
-password The password associated with your TigerGraph Cloud account String containing user password ""

Example :

tg conf tgcloud -email <mail@domain.com> -password <password>

List configurations

tg conf list lists all the configuration


=======    tgCloud Account  ======
username: myaccount@gmail.com
password: mypassword
======= TigerGraph Instances ======
Machine: alias = defaultConf  (default)  
 host: http://localhost
 user: tigergraph
 password: tigergraph
 GSQL Port: 14240
 REST Port: 9000
Machine: alias = Machine2
 host: https://machine.i.tgcloud.io
 user: tigergraph
 password: tigergraph
 GSQL Port: 14240
 REST Port: 9000

Add an instance

tg conf add adds a TigerGraph instance (server) to the configuration store

usage: tg conf add [-h] [-alias ALIAS] [-user USER] [-password PASSWORD] [-host [HOST]] [-gsPort [GSPORT]]
                   [-restPort [RESTPORT]] [-default [{y,n}]]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -alias ALIAS          the name used for referring to the tigergraph Server
  -user USER            tigergraph user ( default : tigergraph )
  -password PASSWORD    tigergraph password ( default : tigergraph )
  -host [HOST]          tigergraph host ( default : )
  -gsPort [GSPORT]      GSQL Port ( default : 14240 )
  -restPort [RESTPORT]  Rest++ Port ( default : 9000 )
  -default [{y,n}]      Set default alias conf (y/n) ( default : n )
Argument Description Accepted values Default
-alias The name given to the server for using it later string ""
-user tigergraph user by defaulttigergraph string tigergraph
-password tigergraph user's password string tigergraph
-host host value for tigergraph string
-gsPort GSQL Port for tigergraph instance string 14240
-restPort RestPP Port for tigergraph instance string 9000
-default y/n parameter to set this configuration as default server string n

Delete a Machine/Server From Configuration

tg conf delete deletes a server from the configuration store

usage: tg conf delete [-h] [-alias ALIAS]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help    show this help message and exit
  -alias ALIAS  the name used for referring to the tigergraph Server
Argument description Accepted values Default
-alias The machine's alias to delete string ""

Cloud Manager

Commands that start with tg cloud allow you to log in to your TigerGraph Cloud account and manage your TigerGraph Cloud instances.

usage: tg cloud [-h] {login,start,stop,terminate,archive,list,create} ...

positional arguments:
    login               Login to tgcloud.io
    start               Start a tgcloud instance
    stop                Stop a tgcloud instance
    terminate           Terminate a tgcloud instance
    archive             Archive a tgcloud instance
    list                List all tgcloud instance
    create              Create a tgcloud instance

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

Cloud login

To log in to your TigerGraph Cloud account, run the following command:

$ tg cloud login -email <your_email> -password <your_password>

If you have already set up your TigerGraph credential through tg conf tgcloud, then just run:

$ tg cloud login

tg-cli will use the credentials you set up to log in to TigerGraph Cloud.

List tgcloud instances

Once you are logged in, to list tgcloud instances use:

tg cloud list 
usage: tg cloud list [-h] [-activeonly [{y,n}]] [-o [{stdout,json}]]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help           show this help message and exit
  -activeonly [{y,n}]  Hide terminated Servers
  -o [{stdout,json}]   Output for the tigergraph-cli
argument description accepted values default
-activeonly list only active instances ( no terminated ) string "y"
-o output mode stdout or json string "stdout"

Start/Stop/Terminate/Archive a TigerGraph Cloud solution

To change the state of a machine on TigerGraph Cloud use:

tg cloud start -id <machine-id-from-list>
tg cloud stop -id <machine-id-from-list>
tg cloud terminate -id <machine-id-from-list>
tg cloud archive -id <machine-id-from-list>

Server Manager

Commands that start with tg server allow you to perform sophisticated operations on your TigerGraph instances (servers).

usage: tg server [-h] {demos,algos,gsql,udf,udt,services,backup,import,starter-kit} ...

positional arguments:
    demos               Loads demos to TigerGraph server.
    algos               Loads algos to TigerGraph server.
    gsql                Execute a gsql terminal.
    udf                 get/update UDF for TigerGraph server.
    udt                 get/update UDT for TigerGraph server.
    services            Start/Stop GPE/GSE/RESTPP Services in TigerGraph server.
    backup              Backup a TigerGraph server.
    import              Import a TigerGraph server from a ZIP file.
    starter-kit         Load a starter kit to TigerGraph server

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

Launch a GSQL terminal

To launch a remote GSQL terminal ( Pure Python ):

user@server $ tg server gsql -alias <your_server_alias>
Welcome to tigergraph
usage: tg server gsql [-h] [-alias ALIAS] [-user USER] [-password PASSWORD] [-host [HOST]] [-gsPort [GSPORT]]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help          show this help message and exit
  -alias ALIAS        tigergraph Server to use
  -user USER          tigergraph user ( default : tigergraph )
  -password PASSWORD  tigergraph password ( default : tigergraph )
  -host [HOST]        tigergraph host ( default :
  -gsPort [GSPORT]    GSQL Port ( default : 14240 )

UDF Download/Upload

To download/upload UDFs:

user@server $ tg server udf -alias <your_server_alias> -ops download
user@sever $ tg server udf -alias <your_server_alias> -ops upload

Full usage:

usage: tg server udf [-h] [-alias ALIAS] [-user USER] [-password PASSWORD] [-host [HOST]] [-gsPort [GSPORT]]
                  [-ops {download,upload}]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -alias ALIAS          tigergraph Server to use
  -user USER            tigergraph user ( default : tigergraph )
  -password PASSWORD    tigergraph password ( default : tigergraph )
  -host [HOST]          tigergraph host ( default :
  -gsPort [GSPORT]      GSQL Port ( default : 14240 )
  -ops {download,upload}
                        upload/download UDF ( default : download )

UDT Download/Upload

To download/upload user-defined tuples (UDT)

user@server $ tg server udt -alias <your_server_alias> -ops download
user@server $ tg server udt -alias <your_server_alias> -ops upload

Full usage:

usage: tg server udt [-h] [-alias ALIAS] [-user USER] [-password PASSWORD] [-host [HOST]] [-gsPort [GSPORT]]
                  [-ops {download,upload}]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -alias ALIAS          tigergraph Server to use
  -user USER            tigergraph user ( default : tigergraph )
  -password PASSWORD    tigergraph password ( default : tigergraph )
  -host [HOST]          tigergraph host ( default : )
  -gsPort [GSPORT]      GSQL Port ( default : 14240 )
  -ops {download,upload}
                        upload/download UDT ( default : download )

Manage GPE/GSE/RESTPP services

To start or stop GPE/GSE/RESTPP services:

user@server $ tg server services -alias <your_server_alias> -ops start
user@server $ tg server services -alias <your_server_alias> -ops stop

Full usage:

usage: tg server services [-h] [-user USER] [-password PASSWORD] [-host [HOST]] [-gsPort [GSPORT]] [-ops {start,stop}]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help          show this help message and exit
  -user USER          tigergraph user ( default : tigergraph )
  -password PASSWORD  tigergraph password ( default : tigergraph )
  -host [HOST]        tigergraph host ( default : )
  -gsPort [GSPORT]    GSQL Port ( default : 14240 )
  -ops {start,stop}   start/stop GPE/GSE/RESTPP ( default : start )

Backup a TigerGraph Instance ( Full , Data , Schema )

Backup a tigergraph instance

user@server $ tg server backup -alias <your_server_alias> 

Full usage:

usage: tg server backup [-h] [-alias ALIAS] [-user USER] [-password PASSWORD] [-host [HOST]] [-gsPort [GSPORT]]
                     [-restPort [RESTPORT]] [-t {ALL,SCHEMA,DATA}]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -alias ALIAS          tigergraph Server to use
  -user USER            tigergraph user ( default : tigergraph )
  -password PASSWORD    tigergraph password ( default : tigergraph )
  -host [HOST]          tigergraph host ( default : )
  -gsPort [GSPORT]      GSQL Port ( default : 14240 )
  -restPort [RESTPORT]  Rest Port ( default : 9000 )
  -t {ALL,SCHEMA,DATA}  backup Mode ( default : ALL )

Work in progress

We are actively developing new features for TigerGraph CLI. Below is a list of features that are currently under development: