TileDB-Inc / tiledbsoma-feedstock

A conda-smithy repository for tiledbsoma.
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Rerender, and fix `libgoogle-cloud` issues #93

Closed johnkerl closed 4 months ago

johnkerl commented 4 months ago

This is on main with tiledbsoma 1.7.2. See also #91 which attempts a pre-check for 1.8.0.

This doesn't bump any application-level versions -- hence build number 1. This works around problems that have recently arisen in our dependencies, problems which made a previously solvable recipe no longer solvable.

Solver issue:

744:    Encountered problems while solving:
745-      - package tiledb-2.19.1-hc0b898c_0 requires libcurl >=7.87.0,<8.0a0, but none of the providers can be installed
747-    Could not solve for environment specs
748-    The following packages are incompatible
749-    ├─ libgoogle-cloud-storage 2.21.*  is installable and it requires
750-    │  └─ libgoogle-cloud [2.21.0 h31df0ca_0|2.21.0 h31df0ca_1|2.21.0 h72bcb37_2], which requires
751-    │     └─ libcurl >=8.5.0,<9.0a0 , which can be installed;
752-    └─ tiledb >=2.19.1,<2.20  is not installable because there are no viable options
753-       ├─ tiledb 2.19.1 would require
754-       │  └─ libgoogle-cloud >=2.12.0,<2.13.0a0 , which conflicts with any installable versions previously reported;
755-       ├─ tiledb 2.19.1 would require
756-       │  └─ libcurl >=7.88.1,<8.0a0 , which conflicts with any installable versions previously reported;
757-       └─ tiledb 2.19.1 would require
758-          └─ libcurl >=7.87.0,<8.0a0 , which conflicts with any installable versions previously reported.
tiledb 2.19.1 requires libgoogle-cloud 2.12.*

Supporting info:

See also:

https://anaconda.org/conda-forge/tiledb/files?version=2.19.1 ``` Type Size Name conda 5.8MB linux-64/tiledb-2.19.1-h4386cac_0.conda conda 5.8MB linux-64/tiledb-2.19.1-h584b59b_0.conda conda 5.8MB linux-64/tiledb-2.19.1-hc0b898c_0.conda ``` https://anaconda.org/conda-forge/tiledb/2.19.1/download/linux-64/tiledb-2.19.1-h4386cac_0.conda ``` wget https://anaconda.org/conda-forge/tiledb/2.19.1/download/linux-64/tiledb-2.19.1-h4386cac_0.conda ``` ``` ubuntu@anzo[prod][][~]$ conda inspect hash-inputs tiledb-2.19.1-h4386cac_0.conda {'tiledb-2.19.1-h4386cac_0.conda': {'recipe': {'bzip2': '1', 'channel_targets': 'conda-forge ' 'main', 'cxx_compiler': 'gxx', 'cxx_compiler_version': '12', 'gcs': 'gcs_enabled', 'google_cloud_cpp': '2.12', 'libabseil': '20230802', 'libcurl': '8', 'libxml2': '2', 'lz4_c': '1.9.3', 'openssl': '3', 'target_platform': 'linux-64', 'zlib': '1.2', 'zstd': '1.5'}}} ``` https://anaconda.org/tiledb/tiledb/files?channel=for-cloud&version=2.19.1 ``` wget https://anaconda.org/tiledb/tiledb/2.19.1/download/linux-64/tiledb-2.19.1-h24029db_1.conda ``` ``` conda inspect hash-inputs tiledb-2.19.1-h24029db_1.conda {'tiledb-2.19.1-h24029db': {'recipe': {'channel_targets': 'tiledb for-cloud', 'cxx_compiler': 'gxx', 'cxx_compiler_version': '12', 'target_platform': 'linux-64'}}} ``` https://github.com/conda-forge/tiledb-feedstock/blob/295eacda3ca366b2795b526c5de233931e5aa2a2/recipe/meta.yaml
johnkerl commented 4 months ago


shortcut-integration[bot] commented 4 months ago

This pull request has been linked to Shortcut Story #42198: tiledbsoma 1.7.3.

johnkerl commented 4 months ago

Here's what happens with libgoogle-cloud 2.21 rather than 2.12:
