TimOetting / kirby-gallery

A gallery field for Kirby CMS
MIT License
92 stars 7 forks source link

Gallery Field for Kirby CMS

This is a custom gallery field for Kirby. It lets you pick and order your image files inside the page panel

Here is a blueprint example:

    label: Gallery
    type: gallery

This gives you a field like this:

Sort Mode

By clicking the "Select images" Button you enter a select mode where you can pick the files to include to you gallery.

Select Mode

The content will be YAML-structured. Inside the template, the field therefore has to be decoded as an array using $page->gallery()->yaml().



- kermit-the-fog.jpg
- the-sea.jpg
- mountains.jpg
- road.jpg
- forrest.jpg

Download and Installation


Using Kirby CLI

If you’re using the Kirby CLI, you need to cd to the root directory of your Kirby installation and run the following command:

kirby plugin:install TimOetting/kirby-gallery

This will download and copy the Gallery Fieldtype.

Using Git Submodule

To install this plugin as a git submodule, execute the following command from the root of your kirby project:

git submodule add https://github.com/TimOetting/kirby-gallery.git site/fields/gallery

Using Copy and Paste

Download the contents of this repository as ZIP-file. Rename the extracted folder to gallery and copy it into the site/fields/ directory in your Kirby project.


Changing the aspect ratio of the thumbnails

By default, all images are displayed in their original aspect ratio. If you would like to force a custom aspect ratio, i.e. to show the thumbnails as squares, you can pass the option aspectRatioto with the format width:height your field in the blueprint:

    label: Gallery
    type: gallery
    aspectRatio: 1:1

Aspect Ratio

    label: Gallery
    type: gallery
    aspectRatio: 4:3

Aspect Ratio

Show and hide file name

You can hide the filename under the thumbnail by adding the option displayFilename: falseto the blueprint:

    label: Gallery
    type: gallery
    displayFilename: false

Aspect Ratio