TimoGlastra / legacy-did-transformation

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Legacy DID Transformation

This repository describes how to transform legacy dids and did documents to qualified did:peer:2 and did:peer:3 dids and did documents.


In this transformation, the legacy did document is called legacyDidDocument.

  1. Create a new property called did and assign it the initial string value did:peer:2.
  2. Create an empty ordered list called authenticationFingerprints.
  3. Loop through the authentication list from the legacyDidDocument and for each of the entries perform the following steps:
    1. if the value of the type property in the entry is Ed25519SignatureAuthentication2018 and the entry contains a publicKey
      1. resolve the publicKey property from the publicKey list in the legacyDidDocument to a value named resolvedLegacyAuthentication.
      2. If the referenced public key could not be found in the publicKey, an error must be thrown and the process must be aborted, otherwise continue with step 2.4
    2. else if the value of the type property is Ed25519Signature2018, assign the value of the entry to resolvedLegacyAuthentication and continue with step 2.4
    3. else ignore the entry and continue with the next entry.
    4. Calculate the multibase, multicodec encoded public key from the value of publicKeyBase58 property in resolvedLegacyAuthentication and assign this to the the property fingerprint.
    5. Add the fingerprint value to the authenticationFingerprints list.
  4. Loop through the publicKey list from the legacyDidDocument and for each of the entries perform the following steps:
    1. if the value of the type property is not Ed25519Signature2018 ignore the entry and continue with the next entry.
    2. Calculate the multibase, multicodec encoded public key from the value of publicKeyBase58 property in the entry and assign this to the the property fingerprint.
    3. If the value of fingerprint already exists in the list authenticationFingerprints ignore the entry and continue with the next entry.
    4. Add the fingerprint value to the authenticationFingerprints list.
  5. For each entry in the authenticationFingerprints list perform the following steps:
    1. Append .V and the fingerprint to the did property.
  6. Loop through the service list from the legacyDidDocument and for each of the entries perform the following steps:
    1. if the value of the type property is not IndyAgent ignore the entry and continue with the next entry.
    2. Create a new object called service and assign it the following properties (in alphabetical order). If your language does not support ordered objects, you can use
      1. priority based on the priority property from the entry.
      2. r based no the routingKeys property from the entry.
      3. recipientKeys based on the recipientKeys property from the entry.
      4. s based on the serviceEndpoint property from the entry.
      5. t based on the type property from the entry.
    3. Follow did:peer:2 service encoding algorithm from the spec and append the final value to the did property.

Test Vectors

See the test vectors directory for examples of the transformation.


git clone https://github.com/TimoGlastra/legacy-did-transformation
cd legacy-did-transformation
yarn install
yarn convert <path-to-legacy-did-document>
