TimothyAnders / FetlifeGetMembers

Quick script to view members on Fetlife and create a list of them
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Fetlife Quick Script

Browsing 'kinksters' can be tedious, especially if you're only interested in users under a certain label (E.G sub).
This script allows you to search users in a city, and categorize them based on gender, label, ETC. Then you can do whatever you want with the results, such as viewing their profile.

Quick Start

1) In a browser open fetlife and navigate to viewing kinksters in whichever city
2) Copy the URL
3) Change URL_TO_VIEW_KINKSTERS URL in the supplied script
4) Run the script in the browser console
5) Once the script is finished, type allUsers into the browsers console to get the results.
6) Copy and paste the results into a file 7) Open process_results/index.js and put your filepath in the FILES variable. It's an array so you can use multiple files or one 8) Run process_results/index.js using Node.JS. This will create a results.sql file
9) Run the schema.sql and the results.sql to create a database table. You can use https://www.db-fiddle.com/ if you want.