Implementation of chacha20 cipher, designed by D. J. Bernstein. Optimized for PinnedMemory.
From a command prompt
dotnet add package ChaCha20.NetCore
Install-Package ChaCha20.NetCore
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You can find more examples in the github examples project.
var iv = new byte[16];
var key = new byte[32];
using var provider = new RNGCryptoServiceProvider();
using var keyPin = new PinnedMemory<byte>(key, false);
using var cipher = new ChaCha20(keyPin, iv);
cipher.UpdateBlock(new PinnedMemory<byte>(new byte[] {63, 61, 77, 20, 63, 61, 77, 20, 63, 61, 77}, false), 0, 11); // caw caw caw in utf8
using var output = new PinnedMemory<byte>(new byte[cipher.GetLength()]);
cipher.DoFinal(output, 0);
ChaCha20(PinnedMemory<byte> key, byte[] iv, int rounds = 20)
Get the cipher output length.
int GetLength()
Update the cipher with a single byte.
void Update(byte input)
Update the cipher with a pinned memory byte array.
void UpdateBlock(PinnedMemory<byte> input, int inOff, int len)
Update the cipher with a byte array.
void UpdateBlock(byte[] input, int inOff, int len)
Produce the final cipher outputting to pinned memory. Key & iv remain until dispose is called.
void DoFinal(PinnedMemory<byte> output, int outOff)
Reset the cipher back to it's initial state for further processing. Key & iv remain until dispose is called.
void Reset()
Clear key & iv, reset cipher back to it's initial state.
void Dispose()