Clone the repo to your local machine:
git clone<YourRepo>/react-auth-boilerplate.git
Install the packages (I use yarn version 1.7.0):
yarn install
Run the tests:
yarn test
The project currently has mocked out calls to a backend but makes a real call to Google when clicking the "Login with Google" button. Initiating the call will require a GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID that is not checked in to github.
Review Google's OAuth 2.0 documentation.
Set up an oauth account and follow the instructions on how to get a cookie password
To set up additional Google provider keys, see the Auth0 docs
Add the GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID either directly in the 'clientId' prop on yarn start
Use the following credentials when logging in with email and password:
email pattern = /^$/, password = password.If you get the error: 'idpiframe_initialization_failed' in Chrome, try a different browser. If it works there, then clear your Chrome cache (warning: this will log you out of all browser apps), refresh and try again.
If you get a global error when running tests try uninstsalling and reinsstalling watchman.
Brew uninstall watchman
Brew install watchman
Authentication is through Google using the client-side first, then the server side verification method (see here for details). The redux methods and work flow for this was inspired by Stepan Kuzmin's blog post In the demo mode, the actual call to a backend is not made, although the fetch method is in the authServices file. The preparation of the payload to send is done in the authSaga. A mock call to a backend will resolve successfully when the login email matches and the password is 'password'. The mock call does not encrypt the password and sets the token on the redux store, under 'auth' to be 'secret-token'.
This project uses axios to make http calls and axios is not supported by IE9. There are 2 options to get aruond ths, should the final prooject support IE11: