Tinkrew / blockscaper

A Minecraft Bedrock add-on that adds world manipulation and creation utilities.
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Blockscaper Add-on

Professional building tools for Minecraft: Bedrock

One add-on. Any device. Multiplayer and singleplayer.
Alpha build (use with caution). Compatible with custom blocks.
And completely free.

Blockscaper Tinkrew Logo

Developed by Ian Senne for Tinkrew

Report a bug on the Bug Tracker Icon Bug Tracker or suggest a feature!

Talk to us on Discord Icon Discord

Latest release Dec 8, 2022
Blockscaper v1.0.24 for Minecraft Bedrock v1.19.50

Quick Start Guide

1. Installation

- Download the ![downloadicon](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/37005439/197565238-ca154dac-2a71-4742-9e47-77b8a28d01b9.png) [Blockscaper Add-on](https://github.com/Tinkrew/blockscaper/releases) - Install Blockscaper by opening the downloaded file using [Minecraft](https://minecraft.net/)

2. Adding Blockscaper to your world

- Enable the `Beta APIs` experimental feature
Note: this may make a copy of your world if you have not enabled experimental features before - Activate the Blockscaper behavior pack - Opening the world should now greet you with a message letting you know Blockscaper is enabled

3. In-game

- You can run `!items` in game to get all the Blockscaper items - All commands in Blockscaper start with just one exclamation mark `!forexample` - If you are familiar with Java World Edit, the commands should be similar otherwise you can learn more about them below


!asc !blockinfo !br !cancel !contract !copy !cut !cyl !desc !drain
!expand !fill !fillr !flip !gmask !help !history !items !mask !move
!paste !pos1 !pos2 !pyramid !queue !replace !rotate !set !shift !sphere
!stack !thru !tr !undo !up !walls !wand


Last updated Oct 24, 2022

## !asc Move up to the next solid block. `asc` ## !blockinfo Aliases: `block`, `bi`
Get information about a block, such as block states. `blockinfo ` ## !br Assign a brush to the currently selected item. `br sphere `
`br cube `
`br cyl `
`br paste`


`-a` Ignores air blocks.
`-h` Makes a shape hollow.
`-u` Marks this action as unsafe by not recording an undo.
## !cancel Cancels a number of your queued actions. `cancel`
`cancel ` ## !contract Reduces the size of your selection box. `contract ` ## !copy Copies your selection to your clipboard. `copy`


`-c` Sets the origin of your clipboard to the center of the region, at the region's lowest y-level.
## !cut Cuts your selection to your clipboard, filling the selected region with air. `cut`


`-c` Sets the origin of your clipboard to the center of the region, at the region's lowest y-level.
`-u` Marks this action as unsafe by not recording an undo.
## !cyl Makes a cylinder in the world. `cyl `
`cyl `


`-h` Makes a shape hollow.
`-u` Marks this action as unsafe by not recording an undo.
## !desc Move down to the next solid block. `desc` ## !drain Clear out a volume of water and lava. `drain `


`-p` Removes water plants.
`-u` Marks this action as unsafe by not recording an undo.
## !expand Increases the size of your selection box. `expand ` ## !fill Fills a hole. `fill `
`fill `


`-u` Marks this action as unsafe by not recording an undo.
## !fillr Fills a hole, recursively. `fillr `
`fillr `


`-u` Marks this action as unsafe by not recording an undo.
## !flip Flips the contents of your clipboard across an axis. `flip ` ## !gmask Applies a mask to everything. `gmask`
`gmask `

Mask Format:

`!`blocks → everything except the specified `blocks`
`=`blocks → only the specified `blocks`
x`>`blocks → x blocks above the specified `blocks`
x`<`blocks → x blocks below the specified `blocks`
## !help Get help with commands. `help`
`help `
`help ` ## !history Prints your past command usage. `history` ## !items Get all the Blockscaper items! `items` ## !mask Applies a mask to your currently equipped brush. `mask clear`
`mask add `
`mask remove `

Mask Format:

`!`blocks → everything except the specified `blocks`
`=`blocks → only the specified `blocks`
x`>`blocks → x blocks above the specified `blocks`
x`<`blocks → x blocks below the specified `blocks`
## !move Moves the contents of your selection. `move `
`move `
`move `
`move `


`-s` Shifts your selection to the target location.
`-a` Ignores air blocks.
`-u` Marks this action as unsafe by not recording an undo.
## !paste Pastes the contents of your clipboard into the world. `paste`


`-a` Ignores air blocks.
`-s` Selects the region after pasting.
`-n` Similar to the "-s" flag, but does not paste the clipboard's contents.
`-o` Pastes at the origin of your clipboard.
`-u` Marks this action as unsafe by not recording an undo.
## !pos1 Aliases: `p1`
Sets the corresponding corner of your selection box. `pos1`
`pos1 ` ## !pos2 Aliases: `p2`
Sets the corresponding corner of your selection box. `pos2`
`pos2 ` ## !pyramid Makes a pyramid in the world. `pyramid `


`-h` Makes a shape hollow.
`-u` Marks this action as unsafe by not recording an undo.
## !queue Shows the command queue. `queue` ## !replace Replace blocks in your selection. `replace `
`replace `


`-u` Marks this action as unsafe by not recording an undo.
## !rotate Rotates the contents of your clipboard. `rotate ` ## !set Fills your selection with a given input. `set `

Simplex Implementation:

💡 `set #simplex(dx,dy,dz) `
Simplex patterns are enabled in this command. Create 3D noise with custom scaling and weights. `(dx,dy,dz)` → three dimensional scaling, there are no numerical limits but values typically range from 0 to 1
Example: (0.5,0.1,0.1) `` → the pattern used in the simplex, you can use percentages to weight values.
Examples: 5%dirt,10%glass,5%granite


`-u` Marks this action as unsafe by not recording an undo.
## !shift Moves your selection box without affecting its contents. `shift ` ## !sphere Makes a sphere in the world. `sphere `


`-h` Makes a shape hollow.
`-u` Marks this action as unsafe by not recording an undo.
## !stack Repeats your selection a number of times. `stack


`-s` Shifts the selection to the last stacked copy.
`-a` Ignores air blocks.
`-u` Marks this action as unsafe by not recording an undo. ## !thru Move forward to the next solid block. `thru` ## !tr Replaces blocks in your selection by type. `tr list`
`tr list `
`tr `


`-u` Marks this action as unsafe by not recording an undo.
## !undo Undoes your past actions. `undo`
`undo ` ## !up Move vertically a certain number of blocks. `up ` ## !walls Places a wall around your selection. `walls `


`-u` Marks this action as unsafe by not recording an undo.
## !wand Get your very own wand! `wand`