TinyTerra / ComfyUI_tinyterraNodes

A selection of nodes for Stable Diffusion ComfyUI
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Add latent output only option to ksamplers #74

Open bridgesense opened 8 months ago

bridgesense commented 8 months ago

For those of us who have limited RAM on our video cards, I often find myself running out of memory when using xyplot or certain checkpoints.

When using the xyplot, I'll set output_individuals to help with that on large tests, which helps quite a bit.

It would help even more to have an additional option in the image_output for ksamplers that was latent output only. In this case, we could route that to a tiled VAE decoder. Even if we did run out of memory, in this configuration the system would pick up where it left off -- just as it does with a standard ksampler.

TinyTerra commented 8 months ago

I thought comfy automatically reverts to tiled decoding if it runs out of memory... unless that's a setting I've changed.

I do get your point though, I'll add a 'Disabled' option to image_ouput.

bridgesense commented 8 months ago

I thought comfy automatically reverts to tiled decoding if it runs out of memory... unless that's a setting I've changed.

I do get your point though, I'll add a 'Disabled' option to image_ouput.

It does say that, but I think it defaults to 512. I'm not sure why it doesn't default to the lowest value of 320. I only have 8GB VRAM, so this lower setting works much better in many different cases, especially when pulling in controlnet.

I see memory is an issue for folks, as now checkpoint creaters are starting to come out with SDXL distilled checkpoints. That makes sense. The difference between a few more VRAM is like adding $400 - $600.