TinyTerra / ComfyUI_tinyterraNodes

A selection of nodes for Stable Diffusion ComfyUI
GNU General Public License v3.0
421 stars 45 forks source link


A selection of custom nodes for ComfyUI.

Enjoy my nodes and would like to help keep me awake?

tinyterra_pipeSDXL tinyterra_trueHRFix tinyterra_trueHRFix


Navigate to the _ComfyUI/customnodes directory with cmd, and run:

git clone https://github.com/TinyTerra/ComfyUI_tinyterraNodes.git

Special Features

Fullscreen Image Viewer

Enabled by default

Advanced XY(Z)Plot


<axis number1:label1>

<axis number2:label2>

For Example:


<2:custom label>
[4:text='Summer sunset']

Auto Complete

Enabled by default

Dynamic Widgets

Enabled by default


Enabled by default

Save image prefix parsing

Node Versioning


Disabled by default

$\Large\color{white}{Nodes}$ ## ttN/base
## ttN/pipe
pipeLoader v2 (Includes [ADV_CLIP_emb](https://github.com/BlenderNeko/ComfyUI_ADV_CLIP_emb))
pipeKSampler v2 Embedded with Advanced CLIP Text Encode with an additional pipe output Old node layout: With pipeLoader and pipeKSampler:
pipeKSamplerAdvanced v2 Embedded with Advanced CLIP Text Encode with an additional pipe output
pipeLoaderSDXL v2 SDXL Loader and Advanced CLIP Text Encode with an additional pipe output
pipeKSamplerSDXL v2 SDXL Sampler (base and refiner in one) and Advanced CLIP Text Encode with an additional pipe output Old node layout: With pipeLoaderSDXL and pipeKSamplerSDXL:
pipeEDIT Update/Overwrite any of the 8 original inputs in a Pipe line with new information. + _**Inputs -** pipe, model, conditioning, conditioning, samples, vae, clip, image, seed_ + _**Outputs -** pipe_
pipe > basic_pipe Convert ttN pipe line to basic pipe (to be compatible with [ImpactPack](https://github.com/ltdrdata/ComfyUI-Impact-Pack)), WITH original pipe throughput + _**Inputs -** pipe[model, conditioning, conditioning, samples, vae, clip, image, seed]_ + _**Outputs -** basic_pipe[model, clip, vae, conditioning, conditioning], pipe_
pipe > Detailer Pipe Convert ttN pipe line to detailer pipe (to be compatible with [ImpactPack](https://github.com/ltdrdata/ComfyUI-Impact-Pack)), WITH original pipe throughput + _**Inputs -** pipe[model, conditioning, conditioning, samples, vae, clip, image, seed], bbox_detector, sam_model_opt_ + _**Outputs -** detailer_pipe[model, vae, conditioning, conditioning, bbox_detector, sam_model_opt], pipe_
## ttN/xyPlot
adv xyPlot pipeKSampler input to generate xy plots using sampler and loader values. (Any values not set by xyPlot will be taken from the corresponding nodes) ![adv_xyPlot](https://github.com/TinyTerra/ComfyUI_tinyterraNodes/assets/115619949/4443f88e-5e95-413b-9eb1-caf643b19ba1)
advPlot images Node to generate xyz plots from any image inputs.
advPlot range adv_xyPlot input to generate plot syntax across a range of values.
advPlot string adv_xyPlot input to generate plot syntax for strings via a delimiter.
advPlot combo adv_xyPlot input to generate plot syntax for combos with various modes.
## ttN/image
imageOutput Preview or Save an image with one node, with image throughput. + _**Inputs -** image, image output[Hide, Preview, Save, Hide/Save], output path, save prefix, number padding[None, 2-9], file type[PNG, JPG, JPEG, BMP, TIFF, TIF] overwrite existing[True, False], embed workflow[True, False]_ + _**Outputs -** image_
imageRemBG (Using [RemBG](https://github.com/danielgatis/rembg)) Background Removal node with optional image preview & save. + _**Inputs -** image, image output[Disabled, Preview, Save], save prefix_ + _**Outputs -** image, mask_ Example of a photobashing workflow using pipeNodes, imageRemBG, imageOutput and nodes from [ADV_CLIP_emb](https://github.com/BlenderNeko/ComfyUI_ADV_CLIP_emb) and [ImpactPack](https://github.com/ltdrdata/ComfyUI-Impact-Pack/tree/Main): ![photobash](workflows/tinyterra_imagebash.png)
hiresFix Upscale image by model, optional rescale of result image. + _**Inputs -** image, vae, upscale_model, rescale_after_model[true, false], rescale[by_percentage, to Width/Height], rescale method[nearest-exact, bilinear, area], factor, width, height, crop, image_output[Hide, Preview, Save], save prefix, output_latent[true, false]_ + _**Outputs -** image, latent_
## ttN/text
text Basic TextBox Loader. + _**Outputs -** text (STRING)_
textDebug Text input, to display text inside the node, with optional print to console. + _**inputs -** text, print_to_console_ + _**Outputs -** text (STRING)_
textConcat 3 TextBOX inputs with a single concatenated output. + _**inputs -** text1, text2, text3 (STRING's), delimiter_ + _**Outputs -** text (STRING)_
7x TXT Loader Concat 7 TextBOX inputs concatenated with spaces into a single output, AND seperate text outputs. + _**inputs -** text1, text2, text3, text4, text5, text6, text7 (STRING's), delimiter_ + _**Outputs -** text1, text2, text3, text4, text5, text6, text7, concat (STRING's)_
3x TXT Loader MultiConcat 3 TextBOX inputs with seperate text outputs AND multiple concatenation variations (concatenated with spaces). + _**inputs -** text1, text2, text3 (STRING's), delimiter_ + _**Outputs -** text1, text2, text3, 1 & 2, 1 & 3, 2 & 3, concat (STRING's)_
## ttN/util
seed Basic Seed Loader. + _**Outputs -** seed (INT)_
float float loader and converter + _**inputs -** float (FLOAT)_ + _**Outputs -** float, int, text (FLOAT, INT, STRING)_
int int loader and converter + _**inputs -** int (INT)_ + _**Outputs -** int, float, text (INT, FLOAT, STRING)_


pipeLoader v1 (Modified from [Efficiency Nodes](https://github.com/LucianoCirino/efficiency-nodes-comfyui) and [ADV_CLIP_emb](https://github.com/BlenderNeko/ComfyUI_ADV_CLIP_emb)) Combination of Efficiency Loader and Advanced CLIP Text Encode with an additional pipe output + _**Inputs -** model, vae, clip skip, (lora1, modelstrength clipstrength), (Lora2, modelstrength clipstrength), (Lora3, modelstrength clipstrength), (positive prompt, token normalization, weight interpretation), (negative prompt, token normalization, weight interpretation), (latent width, height), batch size, seed_ + _**Outputs -** pipe, model, conditioning, conditioning, samples, vae, clip, seed_
pipeKSampler v1 (Modified from [Efficiency Nodes](https://github.com/LucianoCirino/efficiency-nodes-comfyui) and [QOLS_Omar92](https://github.com/omar92/ComfyUI-QualityOfLifeSuit_Omar92)) Combination of Efficiency Loader and Advanced CLIP Text Encode with an additional pipe output + _**Inputs -** pipe, (optional pipe overrides), xyplot, (Lora, model strength, clip strength), (upscale method, factor, crop), sampler state, steps, cfg, sampler name, scheduler, denoise, (image output [None, Preview, Save]), Save_Prefix, seed_ + _**Outputs -** pipe, model, conditioning, conditioning, samples, vae, clip, image, seed_ Old node layout: With pipeLoader and pipeKSampler:
pipeKSamplerAdvanced v1 Combination of Efficiency Loader and Advanced CLIP Text Encode with an additional pipe output + _**Inputs -** pipe, (optional pipe overrides), xyplot, (Lora, model strength, clip strength), (upscale method, factor, crop), sampler state, steps, cfg, sampler name, scheduler, starts_at_step, return_with_leftover_noise, (image output [None, Preview, Save]), Save_Prefix_ + _**Outputs -** pipe, model, conditioning, conditioning, samples, vae, clip, image, seed_
pipeLoaderSDXL v1 SDXL Loader and Advanced CLIP Text Encode with an additional pipe output + _**Inputs -** model, vae, clip skip, (lora1, modelstrength clipstrength), (Lora2, modelstrength clipstrength), model, vae, clip skip, (lora1, modelstrength clipstrength), (Lora2, modelstrength clipstrength), (positive prompt, token normalization, weight interpretation), (negative prompt, token normalization, weight interpretation), (latent width, height), batch size, seed_ + _**Outputs -** sdxlpipe, model, conditioning, conditioning, vae, model, conditioning, conditioning, vae, samples, clip, seed_
pipeKSamplerSDXL v1 SDXL Sampler (base and refiner in one) and Advanced CLIP Text Encode with an additional pipe output + _**Inputs -** sdxlpipe, (optional pipe overrides), (upscale method, factor, crop), sampler state, base_steps, refiner_steps cfg, sampler name, scheduler, (image output [None, Preview, Save]), Save_Prefix, seed_ + _**Outputs -** pipe, model, conditioning, conditioning, vae, model, conditioning, conditioning, vae, samples, clip, image, seed_ Old node layout: With pipeLoaderSDXL and pipeKSamplerSDXL:
pipeIN Encode up to 8 frequently used inputs into a single Pipe line. + _**Inputs -** model, conditioning, conditioning, samples, vae, clip, image, seed_ + _**Outputs -** pipe_
pipeOUT Decode single Pipe line into the 8 original outputs, AND a Pipe throughput. + _**Inputs -** pipe_ + _**Outputs -** model, conditioning, conditioning, samples, vae, clip, image, seed, pipe_
pipe > xyPlot pipeKSampler input to generate xy plots using sampler and loader values. (Any values not set by xyPlot will be taken from the corresponding pipeKSampler or pipeLoader) + _**Inputs -** grid_spacing, latent_id, flip_xy, x_axis, x_values, y_axis, y_values_ + _**Outputs -** xyPlot_