This project helps Flinders students find their ideal timetable for a semester.
To build the project, you'll need a modern version of Node.js, NPM and git in your classpath.
If you have homebrew installed, run
brew install nodejs git
Download and install Node.js
Download and install Github for Windows (not strictly necessary, but I like the UI. #dealwithit)
'cd' to the following directory and add the resolved path to your PATH environmental variable.
or just manually install git somewhere sensible and add that directory to your PATH.
npm install -g grunt-cli karma bower
git clone
cd FlindersTimetable
npm install
bower install
To build the software continuously, run
grunt watch
This will start continuous builds for the project (rebuilding the project every time a file changes), and start a webserver pointing to these builds at http://localhost:1337/
A webserver is necessary if you wish to avoid browser security issues. IE still manages to break things because localhost is an intranet address, so you'll need to turn down IE's intranet security settings to test in IE.
To build FlindersTimetable's application, run
in the root directory of the project and it'll compile the LESS/JS into the project's /bin directory