TobyHFerguson / AWS-microservices-workshop

MIT No Attribution
0 stars 1 forks source link base workshop

Workshop Students

Visit the Workshop Website and enjoy your learning

Workshop Developers

We assume you have docker and docker-compose installed.

If not, go install them now.

Install Necessary Software

git clone &&
cd aws-modernization-workshop-base &&
git submodule init &&
git submodule update &&
git submodule update --remote themes/hugo-theme-learn

Run the Hugo Server

docker-compose up dev

This will build the server and then run it, mounting the local directory. Any changes you make should be picked up and served to you as per the normal use of hugo.

Connect to the server

Visit the server at http://localhost:1313

Make Changes

Now feel free to make changes to the files in ./content/ - the server will pick them up automagically.

Hit 'Ctl+C' to terminate the server

When you're finished you can deploy to S3 to let others see.

Deploy to S3

First you must publish the site to the ./public/ directory:

docker-compose run publish

Once that has completed successfully deploy to the s3 bucket s3:// with ONE of the following two methods:

Inline envars:

docker-compose run -e AWS_REGION=XXXX -e AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID="XXXX" -e AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY="XXXXXX ... XXXX" production



docker-compose run production

The result will be available at the Workshop Website.

(The actual url is in the file config.toml as the value of the deployment.targets section's URL key.)

Pull request requested! If you can get the deploy action to work with the regular profile rather than having to export each envar then please make a pull request. Mounting ~/.aws onto /root/.aws as per the AWS Docker Instructions and then using the default profile didn't work, unfortunately.