TobyHFerguson / Corralitos

A repo containing vagrant boxes for Oracle Linux
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+TITLE: Oracle Linux 6 Minimal BTRFS UEK Build

+STARTUP: showall nohideblocks

Optionally one can choose to build machines that have an http_proxy setup.

The software to install Oracle Linux using btrfs as the root file system comes in two isos.

The software is available online at

The variables are: | Variable | Description | Mandatory | Default | |-----------------------+--------------------------------------+-----------+---------| | uek_iso_url | URL to UEK boot iso | Yes | | | uek_iso_checksum | UEK boot iso checksum | Yes | | | uek_iso_checksum_type | Type of checksum (sha1, sha256, md5) | Yes | | | install_iso_file | File path to install iso file | Yes | | | minor_version | Minor Oracle Linux 6 version (4,5,6) | Yes | | | http_proxy | Proxy value | No | None | | headless | Use virtualbox headless | No | False |

For each minor version there is a file defining the variables for that minor version. These files have a common name, distinguished by the minor version number. Likewise the boxes that are output from each build share a common name, distinguished by the minor version number.

If the minor version is 'N', then the variable files and the box files would be =ol6uN_vars.json= and, respectively (i.e. for minor version 4 the files would be =ol6u5_vars.json and *** Http_proxy When the =vbguest= plugin attempts to update the VirtualBox Guest Additions it is necessary to access In some environments this requires that yum be setup with a proxy. Machines will be built for specific environments and proxy values (unfortunately using =http://wpad/wpad.dat= doesn't work with yum).

If the =http_proxy= variable is set to some non-null value (call it =$http_proxy=) then the following entry is made in the =/etc/yum.conf= file:




Also the proxy is made available to all users by adding this entry to =/etc/profile.d/




* headless When set to =true= then the VirtualBox build will be performed with no GUI. The default is =false=, which causes the console GUI to be shown during the build. Building the box For minor version N the command to build the box is:


packer build -var-file=ol6uN_vars.json template.json


This will build a box in the current directory called ** Publishing and Using the box *** To the local Vagrant system Publish thus:


vagrant box add --force ol6uN-minimal-btrfs-uek


Access this box by adding the following to your =Vagrantfile= to access this box:

+BEGIN_SRC ruby = "ol6uN-minimal-btrfs-uek"


*** To (This will only work if you have the keys to Publish thus:




Add the following to your =Vagrantfile= to access this box:


Vagrant.configure(2) do |config| = "ol6uN-minimal-btrfs-uek" config.vm.box_url = "" end


*** To =Atlas= Publish by logging in to the account =tobyhferguson= and uploading the box to =ol6uN-minimal-btrfs-uek= Add the following to your =Vagrantfile= to access this box:


Vagrant.configure(2) do |config| = "tobyhferguson/ol6uN-minimal-btrfs-uek" end