ToddSpainhour / trash-tracker

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Trash Tracker

See the site.


This is my front-end capstone project to wrap up the first 6 months of my web developer training at Nashville Software School.


I don’t know about you, but I feel guilty when I throw something away knowing it will be in a landfill for hundreds of years. I wanted to make a resource to highlight the seemingly insignificant act of throwing something away and how that decision could last for generations. The goal of Trash Tracker is twofold: make users more conscious of what they throw away and expose them to environmental facts to encourage eco-friendly decisions. Every little bit helps.


Project Screenshot

Project Screenshot

Project Screenshot

How it Works

Once authenticated through their Google account, users can perform full CRUD on items they throw away or choose to recycle. When adding a new item, the user is asked not just for a name and description, but also the material type (dynamic dropdown), if the item they are entering is recyclable, and if they chose to recycle it or not. Once a new item is created, the user is pushed to a page where a random environmental fact that’s stored on firebase is displayed. When they return to the main page (which I refer to as My Trash) they can see the items they’ve added and relevant stats are displayed near the top of the screen.

Technologies Used

React, Firebase, Axios, React Router, JSX, HTML5, Javascript, Sass, Bootstrap, MomentJS, NPM were used in the creation of the Trash Tracker application.

How to Run

Clone down this repo. Make sure you have http-server installed via npm. If not, get it here. On your command line, run hs -p 3000. In your browser, navigate to http://localhost:3000.