Tok / sd-forge-deforum

Fluxabled fork of the Deforum extension for Stable Dissusion WebUI Forge with keyframe redistribution logic.
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Fluxabled Fork of the Deforum Stable Diffusion Extension for Forge

Experimental fork of the Deforum extension for Stable Diffusion WebUI Forge, fix'd up to work with Flux.1 and integrate Parseq keyframe redistribution logic.

Current status

This fork of the extension is basically working.

⚠️ Configurations that use the experimental render core by enabling the new keyframe distribution feature, may require that some unsupported features are being kept disabled.


Get SD WebUI Forge

Install, update and run the 'one-click installation package' of [Stable Diffusion WebUI Forge]( as described. Includes:

Other versions may work with this extension, but have not been properly tested.

Run Flux on Forge

Get flux1-dev-bnb-nf4-v2.safetensors from huggingface and put it into your <forge_install_dir>/models/Stable-diffusion/Flux:

Get the following 3 files from huggingface and put them into <forge_install_dir>/models/VAE

Restart Forge, set mode to "flux", select the flux checkpoint and all the 3 VAEs in "VAE / Text Encoder" and test with Txt2Img.


Directly in Forge (recommended)

Go to tab "Extensions" - "Install from URL" and use this:

From the commandline

Open commandline and run <forge_install_dir>/venv/Scripts/activate.bat to activate the virtual environment (venv) for Python used by Forge.

With the venv from Forge activated, do:

cd <forge_install_dir>/extensions
git clone
cd sd-forge-deforum
pip install -r requirements.txt

Update Deforum Settings

Get the latest default-settings.txt and place it directly into your 'webui' directory, then click "Load All Settings": Rename it to deforum_settings.txt (or whatever matches the name of your settings file in the UI) and put it directly into your 'webui' directory.

⚠️ Some Settings are currently not properly loaded or are not persisted in default_settings.txt and may need to be set manually the first time:

Recommendation: Use ForgeUIs "Settings" - "Defaults" to save your settings.

Default Bunny Testrun

After installation, you can test the setup by generating the default bunny with "Distribution" set to "Keyframes Only" and "Animation Mode" set to "3D". This also downloads the MiDaS model for depth warping when ran for the first time and demonstrates prompt synchronization in a no-cadence setup.

The default bunnies contain 333 frames at 720p, but only 19 of them are actually diffused. The diffused frames are placed in the clip according to the keyframes defined in the prompts. The prompts themselves are aligned to be synchronized at 60 FPS with the beat of an amen break you can find linked in the settings (enable sound):

If you used other versions of the Deforum plugin before, it may also be necessary to update or adjust your Deforum settings. The latest example settings with for the default bunny can also be downloaded here:

What should work, what doesn't and what's untested

Should work:

Keyframe Distribution

Causes the rendering to run on an experimental core that can rearrange keyframes, which makes it possible to set up fast generations with less jitter at high or no cadence.

New sub-tab under "Keyframes"

Asynchronous Subtitle generation

All subtitles are now generated and written to an .srt file in advance. Complex subtitle generations should work fine with Parseq but are currently limited with Deforum-only setups.

Perhaps working (untested)

Currently not working with experimental core

Other Stuff


Settings file

During active development, content and structure of the deforum_settings.txt file can change quickly been updated. Settings from older versions may not behave as expected. If necessary, the latest deforum-settings.txt are available for download here: