Toka69 / P7_API

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This is the seventh project in my Symfony developer journey. This is to create an API RESTful with Symfony for a B2B smartphone sales company. For the purposes of this project I used Apiplatform.

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.


Developed and tested with MariaDB, in this case the following PHP extensions are necessary:


A step by step series of examples that tell you how to get a development env running

1) Clone the project in your workspace of your PHP environment.

2) Install the necessary libraries via composer

   php composer install

3) Copy the .env file to .env.local and change the settings according to your needs. The parameters present in .env.local overwrite those found in .env

4) Create the database

   php bin/console doctrine:database:create

5) Make a migration and migrate it

   php bin/console make:migration
   php bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate

6) Load fixtures

   php bin/console doctrine:fixtures:load

7) Generate JWT keys

   php bin/console lexik:jwt:generate-keypair

8) Run the symfony web server

   symfony server:ca:install
   symfony server:start

9) It's ready!


If you want to use a ready container for this project you can build the docker-compose inside the "build" directory. Previously, you can change the settings according to your needs. If you are using a MySQL / MariaDB database, make sure they are on the same docker network. Here it is the "my-network" network, you can change it in the docker-compose file.

To build it:

   /build/docker-compose up -d

Test online

The project is hosted online. It works as a demo, and the content is refresh everyday. Fixtures are reloaded and uploaded files are erased. So you can try it!

Some requests

To get a Token with the first user:

   POST /api/login_check

   Header 'Content-Type' = 'application/json',
   Body JSON
      "apiKey": "1234567890123456789012345678901234567890",
      "secret": "secret1"

To get Products with the obtained token:

   GET /api/products

   Header 'Authorization' = 'Bearer $token'