TomMalkin / SimQLe

The simplest way to use SQL in Python
MIT License
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python sql


The simple way to SQL

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Perfect for no fuss SQL in your Python projects. Execute SQL and return simple record sets with named parameters. Manage several connections, and switch between production, development and testing modes.

Documentation can be found here



Or choose your poison:

SimQLe reads from a connections file in yaml format. See the .connections.yaml file section for more details.


In Production

Get a result from the name of your connection, the SQL statement, and a dict of parameters:

from simqle import ConnectionManager

# Intialise your connections
cm = ConnectionManager(".connections.yaml")

# Write some simple SQL
sql = "SELECT name, age FROM people WHERE category = :category"
params = {"category": 5}
result = cm.recordset(con_name="my-database", sql=sql, params=params)

# result.headings == ["name", "age"]

# == [
#    ("Jim", 30),
#    ("Bones", 35)
# ]

# result.as_dict == [
#    {"name": "Jim", "age": 30},
#    {"name": "Bones", "age": 35}
# ]

# result.column["name"] == ["Jim", "Bones"]

The recordset() method returns a RecordSet object with a bunch of handy methods for getting at the data. There is also a cm.record() method for queries you know only return a single record, and a cm.record_scalar() method for queries where you're after a single datum.

In Development

Set the SIMQLE_MODE environment variable to "development". This will use your development connections in place of the production ones, without changing your code.

In Integration Tests

Set the SIMQLE_MODE environment variable to "testing".

Testing this package

Tests require the behave package:

> pip install behave

To run, simply:

> behave

The .connections.yaml File

Define the connection strings for production, development and test servers. The names of the test-connections and dev-connections should mirror the connections names. Each connection is be referred to by its name.

Example file:


    # The name of the connection - this is what will be used in your project
    # to reference this connection.
  - name: my-sql-server-database
    driver: mssql+pyodbc:///?odbc_connect=
    connection: DRIVER={SQL Server};UID=<username>;PWD=<password>;SERVER=<my-server>

    # some odbc connections require urls to be escaped, this is managed by
    # setting url_escaped = true:
    url_escape: true

    # File based databases like sqlite are slightly different - the driver
    # is very simple.
  - name: my-sqlite-database
    driver: sqlite:///
    # put a leading '/' before the connection for an absolute path, or omit
    # if it's relative to the project path
    connection: databases/my-database.db
    #  This connection will be used if no name is given if the default 
    # parameter is used:
    default: true

    # the names of the dev-connections should mirror the connections above.
  - name: my-sql-server-database
    driver: mssql+pyodbc:///?odbc_connect=
    # connecting to a different server here
    connection: DRIVER={SQL Server};UID=<username>;PWD=<password>;SERVER=<my-dev-server>
    url_escape: true    

  - name: my-sqlite-database
    driver: sqlite:///
    connection: /tmp/my-dev-database.db
    default: true

  - name: my-sql-server-database
    driver: mssql+pyodbc:///?odbc_connect=
    connection: DRIVER={SQL Server};UID=<username>;PWD=<password>;SERVER=<my-test-server>
    url_escape: true    

  - name: my-sqlite-database
    driver: sqlite:///
    connection: /tmp/my-test-database.db
    default: true

Convenience functions

bind_sql(sql, params) can be used to bind named parameters (from a dictionary) to a SQL query, even if the library that executes the query doesn't support named parameters. For example:

import pandas as pd
from simqle import ConnectionManager, bind_sql

cm = ConnectionManager()

sql = "SELECT Age FROM Person WHERE Name = :name"
params = {"name": "Hikaru Sulu"}

bound_sql = bind_sql(sql, params)

# Note we don't need to pass the params here, they have already been bound:
df = pd.read_sql(con=cm.get_engine(), sql=bound_sql)


Useful metrics like the execution time and actual SQL sent are logged to the logging namespace "simqle".


Say hello in the Gary:


Tom Malkin


Zack Botkin

Release History