TomSwift / TSAlertView

UIAlertView drop-in replacement. Supports stacked buttons, input fields, user-configurable size, and more.
296 stars 80 forks source link


TSAlertView is a drop-in replacement for UIAlertView in iOS, offering additional functionality:

TSAlertView is NOT derived from UIAlertView. It is a clean implementation based on UIView.

Adding TSAlertView to your project

The simplest way to add the TSAlertView to your project is to directly add the TSAlertView folder with source filees and resources to your project.

  1. Download the latest code version from the repository (you can simply use the Download Source button and get the zip or tar archive of the master branch).
  2. Extract the archive.
  3. Open your project in Xcode, than drag and drop the TSAlertView folder, with all of its contents, to your classes group (in the Groups & Files view).
  4. Make sure to select Copy items when asked.

If you have a git tracked project, you can add TSAlertView as a submodule to your project.

  1. Move inside your git tracked project.
  2. Add TSAlertView as a submodule using git submodule add git:// TSAlertView .
  3. Open your project in Xcode, than drag and drop the TSAlertView folder to your classes group (in the Groups & Files view).
  4. Don't select Copy items and select a suitable Reference type (relative to project should work fine most of the time).


A demo project is included in the Demo directory. This should give you an idea how to use the class.


Please consider a small donation if you use TSAlertView in your projects. It'll make me feel good.

Donate with WePay

License and Warranty

The license for the code is included with the project; it's basically a BSD license with attribution.

You're welcome to use it in commercial, closed-source, open source, free or any other kind of software, as long as you credit me appropriately.

The TSAlertView code comes with no warranty of any kind. I hope it'll be useful to you (it certainly is to me), but I make no guarantees regarding its functionality or otherwise.


Version 0.1 @ 01.23.11
