PyElo is a simple Python library for creating Elo ranking systems within your programs. Use it for chess, basketball, football, or any other head-to-head sport you can think of! Simply import pyelo into your existing software, and start ranking.
PyElo Library Example
This example demonstrates how to use the PyElo library to set up an Elo rating system,
create players, record game results, and rank players.
Author: Tony Cardillo
from pyelo import (
set_mean, set_K, set_RPA, set_home_adv_amount,
create_player, add_game_results, rank_players, get_player_odds,
# Step 1: Set up the Elo system
set_mean(1000) # Set the starting Elo of all players
set_K(30) # Set the K-factor for rating adjustments
set_RPA(400) # Set the RPA (Rating Point Adjustment) value
set_home_adv_amount(50) # Set the home advantage amount (additional points for the home team)
# Step 2: Create players
alice = create_player("Alice")
bob = create_player("Bob")
charlie = create_player("Charlie")
# Step 3: Record game results
# Alice plays Bob, Alice wins with a home advantage
add_game_results(alice, WIN, bob, LOSS, home_advantage=HOME_ADVANTAGE)
# Alice plays Charlie in a neutral game, and it's a draw
add_game_results(alice, DRAW, charlie, DRAW, home_advantage=NO_HOME_ADVANTAGE)
# Bob plays Charlie, Charlie wins with an away disadvantage
add_game_results(charlie, WIN, bob, LOSS, home_advantage=AWAY_ADVANTAGE)
# Step 4: Calculate the odds of Alice beating Bob
alice_vs_bob_odds = get_player_odds(alice, bob)
print(f"Odds of Alice beating Bob: {alice_vs_bob_odds:.2f}%")
# Step 5: Rank players by their current Elo ratings
ranked_players = rank_players()
print("Player Rankings:")
for player in ranked_players:
# Output:
# Odds of Alice beating Bob: 56.53%
# Player Rankings:
# Name: Alice (Elo: 1016.4)
# Name: Charlie (Elo: 1012.8)
# Name: Bob (Elo: 970.8)