TonyMajorDev / DeChargerRepo

Apache License 2.0
3 stars 4 forks source link


Mass Spectrometry Decharged Viewer Developed originally by Tony Major, Michael Knierman, and Anvesh Kodumuri

Requirements: Windows PC (64-bit) with .NET Framework 4.6 or higher


DeCharger was originally intended as a proof of Concept in 2012. The intent was to make full use of the mass accuracy and isotopic resolution available in MS2 spectra from newer instrumentation. For the higher mass ions found in many top down experiments, the charge detection of contemporary tools frequently failed to correctly identify the charge state and frequently failed to identify the monoisotopic mass. DeCharger was an attempt to address this. As time went on, we added more features to the point where it can find de novo sequence tags, and search those tags in a database and return the protein identification results. The tool was originally coded for CID only data, but because of the nature of how it works, it works to some extent with other activations. However, a refactor of this is needed to properly handle c/z ion fragments.