ToransuShoujo / quesoqueue_plus

A queue system for Mario Maker 2
GNU General Public License v3.0
5 stars 3 forks source link

Node.js CI

Queso Queue Plus

A queue system for Mario Maker 2.

How do I use this?

First, you must clone the project. Either download the source or run the following command:

  git clone

Next, install the dependencies for the project using the following command:

  npm install

After that, copy (detailed below) and configure the settings.json file with your favorite text editor.

cp settings.example.json settings.json

# now edit settings.json with your favorite text editor

Finally, run the following command to start the bot:

  npm run start

To close the queue press CTRL + C inside the terminal.

The command npm run start is the only command you will need to the next time you want to start the bot.

What does the settings.json contain?

The settings.json file contains several options to make the bot as customizable as possible.

username is the username of your bot account or your account.

password is the oauth token of the bot, including the portion that says 'oauth'. This can be generated at

channel is the channel that the bot will run in. This should be your Twitch account username, only containing underscores and lowercase alphanumeric characters.

start_open is the toggle for whether or not the queue will start open. The default value is false.

enable_absolute_position is the toggle for whether or not absolute position (offline position) is displayed along relative position (online position). The default value is false.

custom_codes_enabled is the toggle for whether or not custom codes are allowed to be added to the queue. When enabled, users are able to add an alias to the queue as opposed to the real ID. An example of this is !add Kamek. Before usage, the broadcaster must add custom codes to be used. This is detailed in the commands section.

romhacks_enabled is a toggle for whether or not romhacks are allowed to be added to the queue. When enabled, users may type !add ROMhack to add a ROMhack to the queue. This does not send the patch, but rather gives the user a convienent way to enter the queue without a real level code. It is required for custom_codes_enabled to be toggled on to use this feature, and the ROMhack code is added/removed automatically from the custom codes list depending on this toggle.

max_size is the maximum amount of levels allowed in the queue at once. The default value is 100.

level_timeout is the amount of time in minutes a level can be played before the bot will inform you that time is up. The default value of null means that the timer is deactivated.

level_selection is an array that defines the order that levels will be selected in upon using !level. Once the order is completed, it will loop. Possible values are: "next", "subnext", "modnext", "random", "weightedrandom", "weightednext", "subrandom", "modrandom", "weightedsubrandom", and "weightedsubnext"

message_cooldown is the amount of time in seconds that a user must wait before !list will display the levels in the queue after a previous use.

dataIdCourseThreshold is the highest allowed data ID for course IDs. This is used to stop levels that do not exist from entering the queue, however it is very difficult to know and/or dynamically change this amount accordingly. As such, the default value is null, which ignores the restriction.

dataIdMakerThreshold is the highest allowed data ID for maker IDs. This is used to stop maker IDs that do not exist from entering the queue, however it is very difficult to know and/or dynamically change this amount accordingly. As such, the default value is null, which ignores the restriction.

prettySaveFiles if set to true the files in the ./data/ directory are going to be formatted with spaces and new lines. The default value is false to reduce file size.

subscriberWeightMultiplier is the number added as a wait time for subscribers. The default value is 1.0. Setting this to 1.2 for example will give subscribers an advantage for weighted random, because they would get 6 minutes of wait time per 5 minutes of waiting. This can be set to anything greater than or equal to 1.0.

list is the order of the !list/!queue command. The following values are possible:

position is which position the !position command shows. The following values are possible:

What commands are there?

The following list contains all commands and aliases accessible to you while using the queue. All commands marked with an asterisk are only accessible to the channel owner.

It is important to note that all commands that draw a level (with exception to !dismiss) will first remove the currently selected level before drawing a new one.

!open* opens the queue and allows levels to be added.

!close* closes the queue and prevents levels from being added.

!clear* will remove all levels from the queue, including the current level.

!add adds a level or maker ID to the queue, provided a level code or maker ID follows the command.

!remove/!leave will remove a user's submitted level or maker ID from the queue. If used by the channel owner, a name can be specified to remove another user's level or maker ID.

!replace/!change/!swap will swap a user's level code for the one following the command. Queue position is preserved when this is used.

!brb will mark the user as offline. Their levels cannot be selected while in this state.

!back will mark the user as online. Their levels can be selected while in this state.

!current will show the currently selected level or maker ID as well as who submitted it.

!order will show the level selection order as defined in the settings.js file. It also shows what the next level selection will be.

!list/!queue will show an in-order list of levels in the queue. It will display the current level as well as the next 5 levels of those currently online. It will also display how many people in the queue are offline.

!position will output the user's position in the queue, provided they have one.

!submitted/!entry/!mylevel/!mylvl will output the user's submitted level code, provided they have submitted a level.

!weightedchance/!odds/!chance/!chances will output the user's chances of getting selected in weighted random.

!level* will select a level from the queue with respect to the order defined in the settings.js file.

!next* will select the next level from the queue.

!random* will select a random level from the queue.

!weightedrandom* will select a random level from the queue using the amount of time spent online and waiting in the queue as weight.

!weightednext* will select the level from the queue with the most amount of time spent online and waiting in the queue. If multiple users have the same maximum time spent then the level nearer to the top will be chosen.

!subnext* will select the next subscriber's level from the queue.

!subrandom* will select a random subscriber's level from the queue.

!weightedsubrandom* will select a random level from the subscribers using the amount of time spent online and waiting in the queue as weight.

!weightedsubnext* will select the level from the queue with the most amount of time spent online and waiting in the queue and being subscribed. If multiple users have the same maximum time spent then the level nearer to the top will be chosen.

!modnext* will select the next moderator's level from the queue.

!modrandom* will select a random moderator's level from the queue.

!dismiss/!skip/!complete* will remove the current level from the queue without drawing a new one.

!select* will select a specific user's level, provided it is defined after the command.

!punt* will move the currently selected level to the back of the queue.

!customcodes will display all of the custom codes that are set, provided the feature is enabled. If this is used by the broadcaster, it can also be used to add and remove custom codes. The appropriate syntax for this is !customcode {add/remove/load} {customCode} {ID} where add/remove/load is the desired operation, customCode is the custom code that the user would like to type (example being !add Kamek), and ID being the ID that the custom code is an alias of. If a code is being removed, the ID is not required. Please note that while adding or removing the custom codes from the queue are not case sensitive, they are case sensitive with this command. !customcode load will reload the custom codes from the ./customCodes.json file, so you can manually edit that file and then reload the codes without having to restart the queue.

!persistence * will give control over how and if the queue data is loaded/saved:

Will you add [insert feature here]?

Possibly! If you have an idea for a change to the queue, feel free to post it to the issues board at and we can look into getting it made. Better yet, if you just can't want and want to take a crack at it yourself, feel free to edit the code and submit a pull request.