TorchSpatiotemporal / tsl

tsl: a PyTorch library for processing spatiotemporal data.
MIT License
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deep-learning gnn graph-neural-networks pytorch spatio-temporal spatio-temporal-analysis spatio-temporal-data spatio-temporal-graph spatio-temporal-prediction spatiotemporal spatiotemporal-data spatiotemporal-data-analysis spatiotemporal-forecasting temporal-data temporal-graphs

Torch Spatiotemporal

Neural spatiotemporal forecasting with PyTorch

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πŸš€ Getting Started - πŸ“š Documentation - πŸ’» Introductory notebook

tsl (Torch Spatiotemporal) is a library built to accelerate research on neural spatiotemporal data processing methods, with a focus on Graph Neural Networks.

Built upon popular libraries such as PyTorch, PyG (PyTorch Geometric), and PyTorch Lightning, tsl provides a unified and user-friendly framework for efficient neural spatiotemporal data processing, that goes from data preprocessing to model prototyping.


Getting Started

Before you start using tsl, please review the documentation to get an understanding of the library and its capabilities.

You can also explore the examples provided in the examples directory to see how train deep learning models working with spatiotemporal data.


Before installing tsl, make sure you have installed PyTorch (>=1.9.0) and PyG (>=2.0.3) in your virtual environment (see PyG installation guidelines). tsl is available for Python>=3.8. We recommend installation from github to be up-to-date with the latest version:

pip install git+

Alternatively, you can install the library from the pypi repository:

pip install torch-spatiotemporal

To avoid dependencies issues, we recommend using Anaconda and the provided environment configuration by running the command:

conda env create -f conda_env.yml


The best way to start using tsl is by following the tutorial notebook in examples/notebooks/a_gentle_introduction_to_tsl.ipynb.


Visit the documentation to learn more about the library, including detailed API references, examples, and tutorials.

The documentation is hosted on readthedocs. For local access, you can build it from the docs directory.


Contributions are welcome! For major changes or new features, please open an issue first to discuss your ideas. See the Contributing guidelines for more details on how to get involved. Help us build a better tsl!

Thanks to all contributors! 🧑


If you use Torch Spatiotemporal for your research, please consider citing the library

    author = {Cini, Andrea and Marisca, Ivan},
    license = {MIT},
    month = {3},
    title = {{Torch Spatiotemporal}},
    url = {},
    year = {2022}

By Andrea Cini and Ivan Marisca.


This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for details.