A simple tool for decompressing and compressing .zs
files in TotK.
To use the Totk Decompression/Compression Tool, follow these steps:
file located in your Totk game dump.Decompress
button to decompress the file and save the raw output to your computer.Note: Before using the command line interface (CLI) tools, make sure you have set up the game paths in the user interface.
To decompress a file, use the following command: decompress </path/file.bin.zs> [-o|--output OUTPUT]
decompress F:\Bin\Totk\Bootup.pack.zs -o ./Bootup.pack
To compress a file, use the following command: compress </path/file.bin> [-o|--output OUTPUT] [-d|--dictionaries TRUE|false]
compress F:\Bin\Totk\Bootup.pack -o ./Bootup.pack.zs
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