TownyAdvanced / TownyResources

Adds value to towns, by giving each one a unique set of automatically-generated resources.
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TownyResources adds value to towns, by giving each one a unique set of automatically-produced resources which can be collected by players (e.g. Emeralds, Coal, Oak Log, Wheat etc.).

The plugin also has an optional feature to protect resource value, via daily player extraction limits. This can be enabled in the config if required.


(details in the FAQ section below)

Installation Guide

  1. Download the latest TownyResources Jar from here, and drop it into your plugins folder.
  2. Restart your server.
  3. Edit the TownyResources config.yml file, and set surveys > enabled to false (this stops players from discovering resources until your settings are ready).
  4. Run /ta resources reload.
  5. Edit the TownyResources config.yml file, and change any settings you would like.
    • Note: Do not add Eggs, Honeycomb, or Honey Bottle to the daily-limits list, as these limit types are not yet operational.
  6. Give the permission nodes required to use the plugin using the following commands:

    /ta townyperms group towns.mayor addperm   <-- only required if you have enabled town's ability to re-roll resources.
    /ta townyperms group towns.mayor addperm townyresources.command.towncollect
    /ta townyperms group towns.mayor addperm townyresources.command.survey
    /ta townyperms group towns.ranks.assistant addperm townyresources.command.towncollect
    /ta townyperms group towns.ranks.assistant addperm townyresources.command.survey
    /ta townyperms group nations.king addperm townyresources.command.nationcollect
    /ta townyperms group nations.ranks.assistant addperm townyresources.command.nationcollect
  7. Using your permissions plugin, give this to any admins who are not already OP:
    • - townyresources.admin.command.*
    • Optionally, give your admins townyresources.bypass if you would like to never be restricted by extraction limits, without having to use /ta resources bypass.
  8. If you want to show town production on the Dynmap (Recommended), first ensure you have the Dynmap-Towny plugin installed, then add the following to the 'infowindow' section of your Dynmap-Towny config file:
    <br/><span style="font-weight:bold;">Resources&colon; %town_resources%</span>

    or if you have the MapTowny plugin installed instead, then add the following to the infowindow section of your MapTown click_tooltip.html:

    <span style="font-weight:bold;">%town_resources%</span>
  9. If you want to use the Slimefun plugin with TownyResources:
    • Town Production:
      You can add Slimefun items to the offers list, simply by using Slimefun item ID's. See here for Slimefun item ID's. Example:
      ...{BUCKET_OF_OIL, 100, 1 BUCKET_OF_OIL}...{Valuable_Dust, 100, 1, COPPER_DUST, TIN_DUST}...
      # F.Y.I. the first category name can translate to non-english as it is a vanilla Slimefun item ID, however the second one cannot, unless you add a translation string.
    • Daily Player Limits
      Due to technical limitations, it is currently not possible to have daily-limits for Slimefun resources. However, a reasonably good extraction-control configuration can be achieved by first adding the small few raw Slimefun resources to the Town Production offers (Sifted Ore, Oil Bucket, Uranium, Salt, Nether Ice), and then disabling the small few machines which directly extract these (gold_pan, oil_pump etc.).
  10. If you want to use the MythicMobs plugin with TownyResources:

    • Town Production:
      You can add MythicMobs items to the offers list, simply by using MythicMobs item 'internal_name'. See here. Example:
      ...{example_category, 100, 1, ExampleItem}...{another_example_category, 100, 1, ExampleItem, ExampleItem2}...

    Mythic Mobs item config (plugins/MythicMobs/Items/example_items.yml) ExampleItem: Id: stone Data: 0 Display: '&3Example Item' ExampleItem2: Id: dirt Data: 0 Display: '&3Example Item 2'

  11. If you want to use MMOItems plugin with TownyResources:
    • Town Production:
      You can add MMOItems items to the offers list, simply by using the following format: TYPE:ID. Example:
      categories: '{mmo_items, 100, 0.015625, SWORD:CUTLASS}'

      The above example gives one cutlass per day to a town.

  12. If you want to use the ItemsAdder plugin with TownyResources:

    • Town Production:
      You can add ItemsAdder items to the offers list, simply by using ItemsAdder item names. Example:
      In the TownyResources config, use the item name from the ItemsAdder config as shown below:
      categories: {crystal_category_name, 100, 1, crystal_block}

    In ItemsAdder item config (plugins/ItemsAdder/contents/iasurvival/configs/blocks/items/minerals/crystal_block.yml) items: crystal_block: <---- this is the name you use in TownyResources. enabled: true

    The above example gives one stack of Crystal blocks.
  13. If you want to use the Oraxen plugin with TownyResources:

    • Town Production:
      You can add Oraxen items to the offers list, simply by using ItemsAdder item names. Example:
      In the TownyResources config, use the item name from the Oraxen config as shown below:
      categories: {caveblock_category_name, 100, 1, caveblock}

    In Oraxen item config (plugins/Oraxen/items/blocks.yml) caveblock: <---- this is the name you use in TownyResources. displayname: <#D5D6D8>Cave Block material: PAPER

  14. If you want to translate material names into a non-english language, first ensure you have the LangUtils plugin installed, then set your preferred language in the TownyResources Config.yml file.
  15. Edit the TownyResources config.yml file, and set surveys > enabled to true.
  16. Run /ta resources reload, then /ta reload.

(Optional Installation Step) SurveySite Plots & Biome-dependent resources.

Player Guide

Town Production




How will TownyResources benefit my server ?


6 Key Benefits:

  1. Assists Town Building:
    • Town resources are automatically produced by the town itself.
    • However it is the mayors / assistants / treasurers who get to actually collect the resources.
    • This dynamic naturally encourages the development of good town governance, to determine how the valuable town resources are to be distributed.
  2. Assists Nation Building:
    • Joining a nation, and staying in it, becomes a much more important decision for a town. Whichever nation they are in will get a good share of their daily resource production. Thus mayors will be much more motivated to be in a nation which is active and helpful.
    • Correspondingly, town loyalty becomes much more important for nations. Nations must work harder to keep their towns, by being more active, more helpful, and developing good governance, including fair and efficient systems of resource distribution.
    • These dynamics will naturally encourage the development of active and competitive nations.
  3. Assists Trading:
    • By turning individual towns into centres for the production of specific goods, trading activities are naturally encouraged.
  4. Reduces Grind:
    • Without TownyResources, a multi-hour grind can grant a player a significant economic advantage over other players.
    • TownyResources puts a hard cap on how much can be gained by each grind, thus facilitating a server a economy where extensive grinding simply has no part.
    • With TownyResources, it is still possible to expend extra effort for a resource advantage over other players, but more varied and interesting activities are required to achieve it e.g. farming multiple varieties of crops, cave explorations, ruins explorations, trading, war.
  5. Assists Roleplaying
    • By giving each town a unique "signature" set of resources, this helps to develop the character of each town.
  6. Improves the SiegeWar experience, by adding a new non-toxic reason for war: Capturing Resources.
    • Vanilla SiegeWar provides relatively few rewards for victorious attackers - a one-time plunder money steal, climbing the \n list, coloring the map, and achieving a higher nation claims bonus
    • Some attacking players may feel that this is not quite enough, that wars 'pointless'; and yet giving them more spoils (e.g. money, sets) would usually result in more punishment for the defender. Although players may selfishly seek to take everything from defeated opponents, clever server owners recognize that this is not a sustainable pattern for the server.
    • TownyResources addresses this issue by giving victorious nations a reward which is useful but which defenders will not miss as much as money or sets.
    • The general importance of geo-resources in strategy games is illustrated by this this quote from the Civilization series of games:
      "Resources are special commodities found in limited quantities on the map....are extremely important in the game, and the main reason for expansion and territorial wars" (Civ V Wiki)


Should I enable the daily-limits feature?
