Toyakki / JSIT

For CSC207 Final project
GNU General Public License v3.0
0 stars 0 forks source link


Authors: Isaac Clark, Enze Yang, Tohya Tanemura, and Sark Asadourian


JSIT is a simple open source tool for creating, submitting, and grading assignments for teachers and students and allows for the easy expansion of functionality.

Current open source assignments submission and grading solutions are based on complicated code bases and require complex cloud set up. This slows down educational technology professionals in creating learning solutions tailored to their institution's unique learning need.

To solve the problem of complicated assignments submission and grading solutions we implemented an system with an intuitive architecture utilizing a code architecture which allows for expansion which allow for the easy addition of new features. In addition, we utilize dropbox creating a simple set up for cloud functionality.

Table of Contents


Screenshot 2024-12-03 at 11 48 02 PM

Screenshot 2024-12-03 at 8 02 54 PM Screenshot 2024-12-03 at 8 03 38 PM


Link to download: OpenJDK 23: Apache Maven 3.9.9:

Note: This project has been only tested on MacOS and Windows but not Linux.

How to Use

This video walks you through creating an account and getting started.


Use this Google Form to send feedback:

All feedback is appreciated but implementation of feedback will be only for bugs when they are able to be reproduced. Ensure bug reports have details on how to be reproduced. Expect at most a month for bugs to be fixed.


You are free to make forks of this project but no merge request will be excepted at this time.

(apologies videos cannot be resized on GitHub)