TraMiu / data-viz-project-2

Data Visualization Project 2
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Peer review - Group A #2

Open LeNguyenNhatMinh opened 2 months ago

LeNguyenNhatMinh commented 2 months ago

Overall, the project is well-conceived with potential for real impact in the educational and practical applications of data visualization. The team's effort to make ggplot more accessible is particularly noteworthy. However, there are some recommendations that I would like to add as follow:

  1. Novelty and Uniqueness

The idea of providing an intuitive user interface to apply themes to ggplot graphs is interesting and potentially very useful for new users. However, the concept of applying visual themes easily is not entirely new. For example, ggthemes and ggplot2 extensions in R already offer a variety of preset themes that can be applied with minimal coding.


To enhance the novelty, the team could integrate the ability to customize these themes further. For instance, allowing users to tweak elements like font sizes, colors, and line types within the themes through slider controls or color pickers could add a unique touch. Additionally, enabling users to save their custom themes and share them with a community could foster a user-generated library of unique ggplot themes.

  1. Clarity and Additional Question

The proposal mentions applying themes easily but does not specify whether it will support various types of ggplot graphs (e.g., histograms, scatter plots, etc.) or just a selected few.


Will the app support all kinds of ggplot visualizations, or will there be limitations? How will it handle complex customizations that might not fit neatly into pre-set themes?

  1. Proposed Features and Robustness

The proposed feature of applying colorblind-friendly themes is excellent and caters to accessibility concerns.


To make the features more robust, consider implementing a preview option where users can see how their chosen themes will look on different types of data before applying them. This could help prevent users from having to repeatedly apply and undo themes to find the right one for their data.

TraMiu commented 2 months ago

Thank you for your feedback. In terms of plot support, right now, there are two possible directions. The first and more simple plan is simply to have one (or a few) fixed, dummy plot and allow users to experiment with it. This is more bare-bones but also more achievable. The second and more ambitious direction is to allow the user to upload their own CSV and select a chart type. Since we do not have much experience with Shiny, we are unsure whether this is achievable within the time frame of the project. Given the short time frame of the project, we're leaning towards option 1.

Regarding editing options, we have also thought of factors such as size and scale, and will add features we find to be doable.

Having previews is a great idea, though it might be complicated to implement. Because of this difficulty, this is currently not a priority.

tienvu95 commented 2 months ago

Great idea pointed out by Minh, I think the range of plot supported should be discussed.

Based on @TraMiu's answer, I understand that you are building an app, which allow users experiment with a few fixed chunk of code, enabling them to see different settings/ themese in ggplot? Are you going to allow user to upload their own code and show theme how their plots look under different themes/settings? This is something you will need to clarify in the presentation/ report later on when you wrap up this project

I think Minh's 1st point is also notable, simply changing the themes/ colors of plot will not add much value and it'd be better if we can make an usable feature (like allow user to customize their code, or if they give you a chunk of code to plot bar chart and want to change it to line chart, can you help them achieve that?)

** Note that you don't have to reply to this comment, this is just my thought on what you can do to improve your project.