TraMiu / data-viz-project-2

Data Visualization Project 2
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COMP4010 - Data Visualization Project 2

Build a Shiny app that that has an Instagram-like user interface for applying filters, except not filters but themes for ggplots.

Team members: Duc Loi, Duy Minh, Thai Uyen

Description and motivation

Beyond data wrangling and selecting the best type of visualization, selecting the right aesthetics is a crucial part of data visualization. As data visualisation is used as a storytelling device, there is often a need to create visually appealing plots. However, this may involve a lengthy trial-and-process approach and a great deal of tinkering with visualization code, which can prove daunting to those new to ggplot, R or data visualzation in general. By providing an intuitive interface for applying preset themes to plots, we hope to flatten the learning curve for data visualization using ggplot. In addition to minimizing the complexity of directly working with code, our project may also introduce the novice to best practices by allowing them to work directly with pre-set and useful themes (such as a colorblind-friendly color palette). We could do something similar to the colorblind-friendly practice in AE Week 9.

Colorblind-friendly color palette 1 Colorblind-friendly color palette 2

Weekly plan

Week Dates Activities Assigned
1 29/04 - 05/05 Set up the work environment, including version control and collaboration tools. Duc Loi
Assign responsibilities for each member. Uyen
Conduct a peer review session to evaluate project proposals. Duy Minh
Finalize core and advanced features based on feasibility and relevance. Uyen
2 06/05 - 12/05 Reply to peer review. Duy Minh
Address feedback from the peer review session and modify features as necessary. Uyen
Begin implementation of core features and basic functions, focusing on foundational aspects. Duc Loi
Hold the first weekly progress meeting to review progress, address any issues, and plan ahead. Uyen
3 13/05 - 19/05 Continue implementing core features and basic functions, ensuring steady progress. Duc Loi
Consider implementing some advanced features if time permits. Duy Minh
Conduct the second weekly progress meeting to discuss ongoing development and adjust plans. Uyen
4 20/05 - 26/05 Conduct thorough testing of all features. Duy Minh
Debug issues found from the testing. Duc Loi
Hold the last weekly progress meeting to review testing results and address any critical issues. Uyen
5 27/05 - 02/06 Clean and finalize code. Duc Loi
Finalize reports and presentations. Duy Minh