# The Resource Explorer Mod
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[![CurseForge downloads](https://cf.way2muchnoise.eu/full_936066_downloads.svg)](https://curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/resource-explorer)
### A mod allowing the exploration, editing, & exporting of all the resources & assets available to Minecraft, as it sees them.
*(Basically a Windows explorer / editor for Minecraft's resource-pack assets)*
### To help resource-pack makers with creating packs and exploring modded asset locations, without having to open .jar files or deal with dozens of separate resource-packs & mods
# Exploring | Editing | Exporting
# *Examples*
## Viewing game resources
### Search function
*(new ui image of V1.1)*
### Textures
*(old ui image of V1.0)*
### Text
### Sounds
### Even in-game built assets
## Editing assets
#### Edit & export image assets
#### Edit & export text assets
#### Create & export new text or image assets
## Exporting assets and folders
#### Do not re-distribute un-altered vanilla / mod / resource-pack, assets without permission!
## Config and quick access via options screen
## Resource breakdown statistics
## Mod asset support
# Reminder: Do not re-distribute un-altered vanilla / mod / resource-pack, assets without permission!