TradeMaster-NTU / PRUDEX-Compass

Official implementation of PRUDEX-Compass
MIT License
36 stars 18 forks source link
benchmark reinforcement-learning


PRUDEX-Compass is designed for systematic evaluation of FinRL methods with 6 axes and 16 measures.


To install the dependency of PRUDEX-Compass, run the command:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Creating PRUDEX-Compass Using the Python Script

You can use the python script to generate a compass and specify how it is filled for each FinRL method in a JSON file:

$ python Compass/generate/compass/ --h
usage: [-h] [--template TEMPLATE] [--output OUTPUT] [--data DATA]

CLEVA-Compass Generator.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help           show this help message and exit
  --template TEMPLATE  Tikz template file. (default: Compass/generate/compass/blank.tex)
  --output OUTPUT      Tikz filled output file. (default: Compass/generate/compass/filled.tex)
  --data DATA          Entries as JSON file. (default: Compass/generate/compass/data.json)

For this purpose we provide the blank file blank.tex.

Example Usage

The default reads the template file from blank.tex and writes the filled output file into filled.tex with the data specified via --data :

$ python Compass/generate/compass/ Compass/generate/compass/data.json

A example CLEVA-Compass, generated with Compass/generate/compass/data.json.

JSON Data Format

The JSON file specifies a list of entries, where each element defines a color, label, inner_level, and outer_level. The latter two specify the attributes visualized in the compass.

color: Can be one of ["magenta", "green", "blue", "orange", "cyan", "brown"].

label: A label describing the compass entry.

inner_level: Specifies the inner compass level attributes. Attribute values must be between 1 and 100.

outer_level: Specifies the outer compass level attributes. Attribute values must boolean (true/false).

Here a json file is given as an example:

{"entries": [{
       "color": "orange",
       "label": "A2C",
       "inner_level": {
          "Proftability": 29,
          "Risk_Control": 31,
          "University": 33,
          "Diversity": 43,
          "Reliability": 42,
          "Explainability": 50
       "outer_level": {
          "alpha_decay": false,
          "profit": true,
          "extreme_market": false,
          "risk_adjusted": true,
          "risk": false,
          "time_scale": false,
          "assert_type": false,
          "country": true,
          "rolling_window": false,
          "correlation": false,
          "entropy": false,
          "t_SNE": false,
          "rank_order": false,
          "variability": false,
          "profile": false,
          "equity_curve": false  }}]}

and a more complicated example can be found in Compass/generate/compass/data.json

The resulting file filled.tex can then be included into any LaTeX document, e.g.:


More details about configuration could be found here.


And here is the file structure for PRIDE-Star

-- PRIDE-Star 
    |-- A2C.tex
    |-- Alphamix+.tex
    |-- DeepTrader.tex
    |-- PPO.tex
    |-- SAC.tex
    |-- SARL.tex
    |-- blank.tex

Here we provide a blank tex that you can play with, the blank tex does not have any color block but the hexagon and the outer ring, while the rest of tex generate the subpicture corresponding to the shown above. You can also manipulate the color and the value for different algorithms to generate graphs.

Performance Profile

The key is to generate a dictionary whose key is the name of algorithms and the value is 2d array which represents different seeds and different task, then with the dictionary naming overall_dict, we can simpily use the code

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import scipy.stats
from rliable import library as rly
from rliable import metrics
from rliable import plot_utils
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.patches as mpatches
import collections
import os
from Compass.distribution.distribution import make_distribution_plot
colors = ['moccasin','aquamarine','#dbc2ec','orchid','lightskyblue','pink','orange']
xlabels = ['A2C','PPO','SAC','SARL','DeepTrader',"AlphaMix+"]
color_idxs = [0, 1,2,3,4,5,6]
ATARI_100K_COLOR_DICT = dict(zip(xlabels, [colors[idx] for idx in color_idxs]))
from scipy.stats.stats import find_repeats
xlabel=r'total return score $(\tau)$',
algorithms = ['A2C','PPO','SAC','SARL','DeepTrader',"AlphaMix+"]

to generate the distribution. Notice that we only use one metrics (total return in the example) to demonstrate the graph.

For more precise information, please refer to here.

Rank Distribution

The key is to generate a dictionary whose key is the name of indicator and the value is dictionary similar to what we have in the distribution. Then we can simpliy use the code

from Compass.generate.rank.rank import subsample_scores_mat,get_rank_matrix,make_rank_plot
dmc_scores = {}

to generate the graph.

For more information, please refer to

Performance under Extreme Markets

from Compass.generate.exen.exen import evaualte,plot_pictures

to generate the first graph.

For more information, please refer to


AlphaMix+, a universal RL framework with diversified risk-aware Mixture-of-Experts(MoE) for quantitative trading.

We implement it through using RLkit and here is how you can choose your dataset and tune the parameters, train valid and test. Here is the sctructure of the AlphaMix+.

-- PM
    |-- LICENSE
    |-- data
    |-- environment
    |-- finrl
    |-- mbbl
    |-- rl_env
    |-- rlkit
    |-- scripts


Here we use the sz50 dataset as an example to show you how we can use it. Run it on the bash using

python ./ --dataset dj30 --num_layer 4

or any paramaters you want to change which is defined in the parse_args function.

After traning, it will store the result under data whose structure is like

|-- crypto
|-- foreign_exchange
|-- portfolio_management
|   |-- AlphaMix+
|       |-- sz50
|       |   `-- en_3_batch_256_plr_0.0007_qlr_0.0007_layer_128_2_buffer_10000_discount_0.99_tem_20_bm_0.5_uncertain_0.5
|       |       |-- seed_12345
|       |       |   |-- debug.log
|       |       |   |-- progress.csv
|       |       |   |-- result.csv
|       |       |   |-- test_daily_action_0.npy
|       |       |   |-- test_daily_action_1.npy
|       |       |   |-- ...
|       |       |   |-- test_daily_return_0.csv
|       |       |   |-- test_daily_return_1.csv
|       |       |   |-- ...
|       |       |   `-- variant.json
|       |       |-- ...
|       |       |-- sz50.ipynb
|-- sz50

Under the portfolio_management/AlphaMix+, we can get the the name of our dataset under which lies the the name of model indicating its super-parameters under which lies the result for different seed which contains the overall result on the valid and test dataset in result.csv and more specifically, action and daily return for each epoch on the test set in test_daily_action_(number of epoch).npy and test_daily_return_(number of epoch).csv.

For users to pick the best model, we also add a sz50.ipynb in the example which help pick the best model, calculate a series of financial indicators, and summrize the result.


We would like to thank the template and code provided in CLEVA-Compass, the visualization design of PRUDEX-Compass is inspired and built based on it. In addition, this repository is also developed based on: Rliable RLKit, FinRL, Sunrise