Transhumanists-in-VR / MainMeetupWorld

Various stuff for the main meetup world
MIT License
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Transhumanist Meetup (VRChat World)

Various stuff for the main meetup world.

Eventually the meetup world itself will go here, but first it needs to be remade with publicly distributable assets. Until then, all that will be here is peripheral stuff like content for the info boards. Remind JC to investigate a CI integration that lets users specify content in the form of text serialized data files, and have a build chain turn that into unity components, so that others can contribute to certain areas without needing JC to manually make a build.

The repository is a part of the Transhumanists-in-VR Organization. This project and everyone participating in it is governed by the Code of Conduct.


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This project is open source and available freely under the MIT license.