TravelPouch / travelpouch

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TravelPouch is an easy-to-use travel app that helps you plan your trips quickly and share details with your travel companions. It keeps all your important travel documents in one place, so you're always up to date. TravelPouch can also suggest local activities and last-minute updates to make your trip more fun.

TravelPouch FIGMA

Naming convention

If you'd like to contribute to the project, please follow this naming convention. Any pull request not following it will be refused


Commit naming follows the Conventional Commits

<type>\[optional scope]: <description>

\[optional body]

\[optional footer]

The type should be chosen in these : feat, fix, build, chore, ci, docs, style, refactor, perf, test, revert

The scope, if present, is a one-word which describes the part of the app touched by the changes

The description is a short summary of the changes

The body is free-form. It may consists of multiple paragraphs.

The footer makes references to issues.



The type is chosen in the following list : feature, fix, hotfix, docs

The description should be descriptive. It is in kebab case.