TremoloSecurity / k8s-idm-lab

Kubernetes Identity Management Lab
Apache License 2.0
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active-directory identity-management kubernetes ldap security training-materials


This lab is to learn how to integrate identity into a Kubernetes deployment. Slides for the lab - NOTE this lab is NOT designed to be a self learning lab. Its meant to be presented in a classroom setting. We have open sourced the lab as a thank you to the community that has helped us along the way while building out our projects and this training. We hope that by exploring this repo, we can provide you ideas as to how to solve your own cluster's identity needs.

What is in this lab

This lab will setup a single node Kubernetes cluster with:

  1. Kubernetes Dashboard 2.0 beta
  2. OpenUnison for authentication and automated provisioning (
  3. MariaDB as a database for OpenUnison
  4. Postfix as a "black hole" for SMTP (doesn't work at the moment as intended)
  5. Ingress NGINX controller
  6. pen as the bare-metal load balancer

The lab will take you through integrating OpenUnison for SSO, enabling the Kubernetes audit log, debugging RBAC policies and setting up pod security policies.

Pre Reqs

To run this lab you will need:

  1. Active Directory domain controller configured with LDAPS
  2. A read only service account for the domain controller
  3. A user with a givenName, sn, samAccountName and mail attribute
  4. The domain controller's certificate in PEM format
  5. A VM with 2 processors and 4G of RAM with Ubuntu server 18.04 or better (NOT the live install)
  6. A system with ansible on it to run the deployment playbook
  7. An ssh key to copy

The playbooks were tested with as well as with VMs on DigitalOcean and AWS using their standard Ubuntu images.


Copy your ssh key ssh-copy-id user@x.x.x.x

Edit inventory.ini Replace the IP address with the IP of your server(s), update the variables with the correct information.

Copy your PEM file to ldaps.pem

Run Playbook ansible-playbook -i ./inventory.ini --user=user --extra-vars='ansible_sudo_pass=password' deploy_all.yaml

Grab some coffee, this will take 10-15 minutes to run.


NOTE At the moment Chrome doesn't seem to like the self signed certs in conjunction with addresses. Use FireFox.

Lab 1

Login and initialize

  2. Login with the username / password - k8s-lab/$tart123
  3. Logout
  4. SSH to your server, user name root and this ssh key:
  5. Make yourself an administrator /usr/bin/mysql -u root -h $(/usr/bin/kubectl get svc -n mariadb -o json | /snap/bin/jq -r .items[0].spec.clusterIP) --password=start123 -e "insert into userGroups (userId,groupId) values (2,1);" unison
  6. Make yourself a cluster administrator /usr/bin/mysql -u root -h $(/usr/bin/kubectl get svc -n mariadb -o json | /snap/bin/jq -r .items[0].spec.clusterIP) --password=start123 -e "insert into userGroups (userId,groupId) values (2,2);" unison
  7. Log back in
  8. Click on Kubernetes Dashboard

Enable SSO

  1. SSH to your server
  2. Get api server parameter flags kubectl describe configmap api-server-config -n openunison
  3. Export CA certificate kubectl get secret ou-tls-certificate -n openunison -o json | jq -r '.data."tls.crt"' | base64 -d > /etc/kubernetes/pki/ou-ca.pem
  4. Update /etc/kubernetes/manifests/kube-apiserver.yaml with output of #2
  5. clear your k8s config rm /root/.kube/config
  6. kubectl get pods --all-namespaces
  7. Load token
  8. kubectl get pods --all-namespaces
  9. Logout of openunison
  10. watch kubectl get pods --all-namespaces

Lab 2

Create Namespace

  1. Login to your openunison with the user makens and the password $tart123

  2. Setup kubectl using your token

  3. Try to create a NS kubectl create ns mynewns, it will fail

  4. Enable audit logging:

    • mkdir /var/log/k8s
    • mkdir /etc/kubernetes/audit
    • cp k8s-audit-policy.yaml /etc/kubernetes/audit
    • Edit /etc/kubernetes/manifests/kube-apiserver.yaml
      • add to command
    • --audit-log-path=/var/log/k8s/audit.log
    • --audit-log-maxage=1
    • --audit-log-maxbackup=10
    • --audit-log-maxsize=10
    • --audit-policy-file=/etc/kubernetes/audit/k8s-audit-policy.yaml
      * add:
    • mountPath: /var/log/k8s name: var-log-k8s readOnly: false
    • mountPath: /etc/kubernetes/audit name: etc-kubernetes-audit readOnly: true

      to `volumeMounts` section
      * add:
    • hostPath: path: /var/log/k8s type: DirectoryOrCreate name: var-log-k8s
    • hostPath: path: /etc/kubernetes/audit type: DirectoryOrCreate name: etc-kubernetes-audit
      to `volumes`
  5. Once the api server is running again, login as makens again and try creating a namespace again kubectl create ns mynewns, it will fail

  6. Look for the audit logs message grep makens /var/log/k8s/audit.log

  7. Generate RBAC rules from audit2rbac, replace IP with the IP of your cluster ./audit2rbac --filename=/var/log/k8s/audit.log --user= > newrbac.yaml

  8. Set your context to admin export KUBECONFIG=/root/.kube/config-admin 9 . Import the RBAC kubectl create -f ./newrbac.yaml

  9. Unset your kubeconfig to go back to your default export KUBECONFIG=

  10. kubectl create ns mynewns, SUCCESS!

Lab 3

Enable Pod Security Policies

  1. Create the policies - kubectl create -f ./podsecuritypolicies.yaml
  2. Edit /etc/kubernetes/manifests/kube-apiserver.yaml, change --enable-admission-plugins=NodeRestriction to --enable-admission-plugins=PodSecurityPolicy,NodeRestriction
  3. Save
  4. Delete all your pods kubectl delete pods --all-namespaces --all
  5. Once done, check if OpenUnison is running and what policy its running under kubectl describe pods -l application=openunison-orchestra -n openunison
  6. Chcek if tthe ingress pod is running kubectl get pods -n ingress-nginx
  7. Check if mariadb is running kubectl get pods -n mariadb
  8. Look at the events for both the mariadb and ingress-nginx namespace - kubectl get events -n mariadb / kubectl get events -n ingress-nginx
  9. Why isn't it running? :
    kubectl create -f - <<EOF
    kind: RoleBinding
    name: ingress-nginx
    namespace: ingress-nginx
    kind: ClusterRole
    name: privileged-psp
    # For the kubeadm kube-system nodes
    - kind: ServiceAccount
    name: nginx-ingress-serviceaccount
    namespace: ingress-nginx
  10. Update the ingress-nginx Deployment to force a redeploy - kubectl edit deployment nginx-ingress-controller -n ingress-nginx
  11. Fix mariadb:
    kubectl create -f - <<EOF
    kind: RoleBinding
    name: mariadb
    namespace: mariadb
    kind: ClusterRole
    name: privileged-psp
    # For the kubeadm kube-system nodes
    - kind: ServiceAccount
    name: default
    namespace: mariadb